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RSI trend line breakout - peringatan dini tentang chart trend line breakout. RSI divergen dari harga pada grafik peringatan dini kemungkinan perubahan tren. Mari kita tinjau masing-masing sinyal RSI ini di bawah ini. Bagaimana perdagangan dengan indikator RSI. Indikator RSI sering disebut indikator oversold oversold, namun hal ini tidak tepat. RSI yang akurat tidak memberikan sinyal Buy Sell saat mencapai area overbought jenuh jual, ada beberapa peraturan, yang membantu mengidentifikasi waktu yang tepat untuk entri dan keluar. Catatan di atas 70 mengindikasikan pasar overbought, sementara pembacaan di bawah 30 mengindikasikan pasar yang jenuh jual. Namun, Begitu kemajuan RSI di atas 70, ini belum menjadi sinyal untuk Penjualan Langsung, karena RSI mungkin tetap berada di area jenuh beli untuk waktu yang lama. Sebenarnya, ketika tren kenaikan yang kuat berkembang, pembacaan di atas 70 hanyalah awal dari pergerakan ke atas yang hebat. Kebalikannya berlaku untuk downtrend dan pembacaan di bawah 30. Agar bisa masuk pada saat yang tepat pada pembalikan pasar sebenarnya trader forex harus menunggu RSI untuk meninggalkan area oversold overbought. Misalnya, ketika RSI goe S di atas 70, pedagang Forex akan bersiap untuk Sell, tapi perdagangan sebenarnya akan terjadi hanya jika RSI menembus di bawah 70.Opposite true untuk RSI oversold begitu RSI berjalan di bawah 30, trader menunggu indikator keluar dari area oversold. Dan naik di atas 30 sebelum menempatkan order Buy. Pedagang Forex juga menggunakan 50 level indikator RSI, yang memisahkan kekuatan beli dari kekuatan penjualan di pasar Strategi trading tertentu menggunakan level RSI 50 untuk mengkonfirmasi entri Long dan Short dengan melihat posisi dari RSI dalam kaitannya dengan garis tren 50 derajat. RSI-nya. Sementara garis tren RSI tetap utuh, ini menegaskan bahwa tren bertahan dengan baik. Dengan tren tren RSI Pedagang valas dapat menerima peringatan lebih awal mengenai perubahan tren yang akan datang sejak tren RSI. Garis saksi pelarian beberapa lilin lebih awal dari garis tren grafik. Pertukaran divergensi dengan indikator RSI. Cara lain untuk mengeksploitasi RSI adalah dengan memanfaatkan sinyal divergensi RSI. Ketika RSI mendekati 30 mencari divergensi bullish yang lamban Ketika RSI mendekati 70 pedagang melihat adanya divergensi bearish, yang terjadi ketika pembacaan RSI aktual mulai menurun sementara harga terus naik, RSI Divergence menunjukkan bahwa momentum saat ini sudah berakhir dan para pedagang harus melihat untuk melindungi keuntungan mereka. Dan siap berdagang dengan arah yang berlawanan. Cara terbaik untuk mengetahui indikator apa pun adalah membaca karya asli pencipta mereka. Oleh karena itu, mari beralih ke buku di mana J Welles Wilder menceritakan tentang penelitiannya tentang indikator RSI. 3 Kegagalan Swings Kegagalan ayunan di atas 70 atau di bawah 30 adalah indikasi kuat pembalikan pasar Lihat Gambar 6 3 dan Gambar 6 4. 5 Divergence Meskipun terjadi divergensi tidak terjadi pada setiap titik balik, hal itu terjadi pada titik balik yang paling signifikan Ketika divergensi dimulai Untuk muncul setelah pergerakan arah yang baik, ini adalah indikasi yang sangat kuat bahwa titik balik mendekati Divergence adalah karakteristik paling banyak indikasi dari Indeks Kekuatan Relatif. RSI indikator Formula. RSI 100 - 100 RS 1.RS Perubahan Harga Rata-rata ke Perubahan Harga Rata-rata ke Bawah Rata-rata. Rata-rata Harga Ke Atas Mengubah Perubahan Harga ke atas Rata-rata sebelumnya x 13 Perubahan ke atas saat ini 14.Apakah Anda siap untuk mempelajari beberapa tip dan trik berharga dalam perjalanan Anda untuk menjadi pedagang mata uang asing yang percaya diri dan sukses. Forex Trading Tricks diciptakan dari Gairah untuk perdagangan mata uang asing dan membantu orang lain dalam perjalanan mereka untuk menemukan perdagangan mata uang asing Forex Trading adalah cara yang bagus untuk melengkapi yo Penghasilan saya dengan berdagang paruh waktu sambil belajar trik dan tip berharga dari para ahli yang telah belajar dengan cara yang sulit dengan kesalahan mereka atau untuk mengganti penghasilan Anda dengan perdagangan penuh waktu setelah Anda mempersenjatai diri dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan keahlian untuk menjadi mata uang asing yang percaya diri. 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Jesse Livermore Lessons From A Legendary Trader. Born in 1877, Jesse Livermore is one of the greatest traders that few people know about While a book on his life written by Edwin Lefevre, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator 1923 , is highly regarded as a must-read for all traders, it deserves more than a passing recommendation Livermore, who is the author of How to Trade in Stocks 1940 , was one of the greatest traders of all time At his peak in 1929, Jesse Livermore was worth 100 million, which in today s dollars roughly equates to 1 5-13 billion, depending on the index used. The enormity of his success becomes even more staggering when considering that he traded on his own, using his own funds, his own system, and not trading anyone else s capital in conjunction There is no question that times have changed since Mr Livermore traded stocks and commodities Markets were thinly traded, compared to today, and the moves volatile Jesse speaks of sliding major stocks multiple points with the purchase or sale of 1,000 shares And yet, despite the difference in the markets, such automation increased liquidity technology, regulation and a host of other factors that still drive the markets today. The Test of Time. Given that this trader s rules still apply, and the price patterns he looked for are still very relevant today, we will look at a summary of the patterns Jesse traded, as well his timing indicators and trading rules For more classic and lesser-known investing titles to add to your collection, check out Investing Books It Pays To Read. Jesse did not have the convenience of modern-day charts to graph his price patterns Instead, the patterns were simply prices that he kept track of in a ledger He only liked trading in stocks that were moving in a trend, and avoided ranging markets When prices approached a pivotal point, he waited to see how they reacted. For instance, if a stock made a 50 low, bounced up to 60 and was now heading back down to 50, Jesse s rules stipulated waiting until the pivotal point was in play in order to trade If that same stock moved to 48, he would enter a trade on the short side If it bounced up off the 50 level, he would enter long at 52, closely watching the 60 level, which is also a pivotal point A rise above 60 would trigger an addition to the position pyramiding at 63, for example Failure to penetrate or hold above 60 would result in a liquidation of the long positions The 2 buffer on the breakout in this example is not exact the buffer will differ based on stock price and volatility We want a buffer between actual breakout and entry that allows us to get into the move early, but will result in fewer false breakouts. While Jesse did not trade ranges he did trade breakouts from ranging markets He used a similar strategy as above, entering on a new high or low but using a buffer to reduce the likelihood of false breakouts Find more profitable entry and exit locations with this standard indicator read Measure Volatility With Average True Range. Price patterns, combined with volume analysis, were also used to determine if the trade would be kept open Some of the criteria Jesse used to determine if he was in the right position were. Increased volume on breakout. The first few days after the break prices should move in the breakout direction. A normal reaction occurs where prices retrace somewhat against the trend, but volume is lower on retracements than it was in the trending direction. As the normal reaction ends, volume increases once again in the direction of the trend. Deviations from these patterns were warning signals and, if confirmed by price movements back through pivotal points, indicated that exited or unrealized profits should be taken For more read our Greatest Investors Tutorial. Timing the Market. Any trader knows that being right a little too early or a little too late can be as detrimental as simply being wrong Timing is crucial in the financial markets, and nothing provides better timing than price itself The pivotal points mentioned above occur in individual stocks and market indexes as well Let price confirm the trade before entering large positions. Jesse Livermore believed no matter how much we feel that we know what is happening, we need to wait for the market to confirm our thesis And only when it does do we make our trades - and we must do so promptly From picking the right type of stock to setting stop-losses, learn how to trade wisely in Day Trading Strategies For Beginners. The trading rules that follow are simple, and have been included in many trading plans by many traders since they were created nearly a century ago They are still valid today, and were created under Jesse s truism There is nothing new in Wall Street There can t be, because speculation is as old as the hills Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again. Trade with the trend Buy in a bull market, short in a bear market. Don t trade when there aren t clear opportunities. Trade using the pivotal points Learn how to spot the pivot point from which a new movement will emerge read Find A Trend With The Partial Retrace. Wait for the market to confirm opinion before entering Patience leads to the big money. Let profits run Close trades that show a loss good trades generally show profit right away. Trade with a stop and know it before you enter. Exit trades where the prospect of further profits is remote trend is over or waning. Trade the leading stocks in each sector trade the strongest stoc ks in a bull market, or the weakest stocks in a bear market. Don t average down a losing position. Don t meet a margin call close the position instead. Don t follow too many stocks. Summing Up Jesse Livermore s Strategy. Jesse was highly successful, but also lost his fortune several times He was always the first to admit when he made a mistake, and when he lost money it came down to two potential culprits. The rules for trading were not fully formulated not the case for most of his losses. The rules were not followed. For today s trader, these are still likely the culprits that keep profits at bay To be profitable, we must actually create a profitable trading system, and then we must adhere to it in actual trading. Jesse outlined a simple trading system for us wait for pivotal points before entering a trade When the points come into play, trade them using a buffer, trading in the direction of the overall market Let the price dictate our actions and stay with profitable trades, until there is g ood reason to exit the trade Losses should be small and trading should be avoided when there are no clear opportunities When there are trading opportunities, trade stocks that are most likely to move the most For more books, check out Ten Books Every Investor Should Read. NFA Forex brokers. Rating 10 0 10 1 vote cast. BlackRock Fixed Income Strategies EUR Inc NAV fund - price.2015 London Stock Exchange plc All rights reserved. The Exchange accepts no responsibility for the content of the website you are now accessing or for any reliance placed by you or any person on the information contained on it. By allowing this link the Exchange does not intend in any country, directly or indirectly, to solicit business or offer any securities to any person. You will be redirected in five seconds. You are accessing the London Stock Exchange Annual Report Service powered by PrecisionIR. The Exchange accepts no responsibility for the content of the reports you are now accessing or for any reliance placed by you or any person on the information contained therein. By allowing this link the Exchange does not intend in any country, directly or indirectly, to solicit business or offer any securities to any person. The CMI indicator enables an easy way to build a daily strategy that can profit from both ranging and trending conditions by incorporating 2 entry rules The first will tackle the range, while the second will handle the trending market Both entries will have exit positions when the CMI crosses the 50 percent level, which suggests uncertainty about whether the market is ranging or trending.1 Enter long when the smoothing MA blue line of the CMI is below 40 and the CMI line color is red.2 Enter short when the smoothing MA blue line of the CMI is below 40 and the CMI line color is green.3 Exit trades trades when CMI moves above 50.Trading strategies ranging market. 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MB Trading Review. Forex traders can open an MB Trading account with as little as 400 USD The margin leverage offered is the U S - regulated rate of 50 1, even for non-U S traders Although brokers in other counties offer leverage rates of 400 1 or more, MB Trading keeps leverage rates low to help its clients avoid trouble The cost of trading one full lot is a flat fee of only 2 50 MB Trading allows you to trade micro lots of only 1,000, and supports spreads as tight as 1 pip This forex broker allows scalping but does not support hedging Some people report that MB Trading offers a higher overall profitability rate to its clients Although that does not necessarily mean that you will profit, it may indicate that the company runs a fair business and provides opportunities for its clients to profit. There are no restrictions on scalping Scalping is a style of trading where you take advantage of financial leverage from the broker to conduct transactions that occupy positions for less than a minute in order to make money on micro movements in currency pair positions. You can open a practice account if you want to learn forex disciplines or become familiar with trading platforms. Brokerage and as support, the standard stochastic oscillator of Meta Trader 4 The strategy is based mainly on the likely price rebounds made in the supports and resistances The stochastic serves to confirm the rebound movement The approach seems simple and interesting at the same time, though. Trading strategy based on changes of momentum in different time frames. Certainly the approaches to trade in the financial markets are numerous and varied Many traders base their strategies on the fundamentals of supply and demand while others use more technical tools such as moving averages, price oscillators and other In this article we study an interesting approach based on market momentum interpreted through th e RSI indicator. First of all we will indicate that the markets are indeed driven by changes in supply and demand However, these changes are. Channel breakout system with retracement for Forex. This trading system was primarily designed to trade in extended time frames 4 hours later It is based upon the breakout of a dynamic price channel which is calculated through the highs and highs of the price bars In this sense, the strategy seeks to enter the market after two events occur. The bullish or bearish breakout of the price channel A retracement movement of the price after the channel breakout After this setback, the. The Tweezer System for Trading the Put Call and Touch No Touch Contracts. Like most strategies systems used for trading binary options more specifically, the Put Call and the Touch No Touch contracts , the tweezer strategy Im about to detail is based on a chart pattern, or rather, a candlestick pattern known as the tweezer The problem with this system is the same as with most o ther such chart-pattern-based strategies the pattern well need to spot for it can be rather difficult to identify in practice It is for this reason that besides. Perfect order trading strategy. What is the perfect order. The perfect order of moving averages is defined as a set of simple or exponential moving averages that are aligned consecutively depending on the trend For example, in the case of a bullish trend, a perfect order would be that a moving average of 10 periods were in a higher price level to a moving average of 20 periods which in turn would be higher than a moving average of 50 periods and so on. Trading Binary Options with the Triangle Touch. Trading binary options can be an immensely profitable undertaking, but it can also be rather risky, as losing large amounts of money is indeed a distinct possibility that traders stare down each and every day The difference between the winners and losers is made by the systems strategies they use, the way they apply them and the way the y manage their trading bankrolls. Forex Broker XM XEMarkets. XM is a regulated Forex and CFD Broker from Europe which allows its clients to trade with currency pairs Forex , commodities like gold and silver and Contract For Difference based on different kinds of assets and instruments through the trading platform Metatrader 4 Also, it offers various solutions of Forex automated trading, regular promotions for its clients, Forex signals, research and educational services and many more. XM is a STP NDD Forex and CFD broker. XM is properly registered and regulated by CySEC License Number 120 10 of Cyprus, the FCA Financial Conduct Authority of UK, Registration Number 538324 and ASIC Australian Securities Investments Commission, license number 443760.This Forex broker offers the following instruments to trade in the market. Forex market 53 currency pairs in the spot market, from the most important such as the EUR USD, USD JPY and GBP USD to other more exotic like the USD ZAR and USD CNH. Preciou s Metals Gold and silver in the spot market, two of the most traded and important commodities in the market. Contracts For Difference based on the following instruments. Futures on energies like crude oil, natural gas and heating oil among other. The main stock indices in the market. Precious metals like gold and silver. This broker has a trading platform called XM MT4 which is based on Metatrader 4, one of the best downloadable applications of this type in the Forex market sector The main features of Metatrader 4 are the following. It has a multilanguaje program interface Its interface is very user friendly Metatrader 4 includes a complete package of technical analysis tools which include advanced charts and more than 50 in-built indicators Different types of executions and orders which allows the implementation of different trading strategies This platform allows the creation, evaluation through a backtesting module an implementation of automated trading systems called Expert Advisors It i ncludes an internal mailing system and online news History database management and real time data import export facility This application allows to create custom indicators.-XM Webtrader XM also offers a web based trading platform called XM Webtrader which is based on Metatrader to This application allows to access the account and trade in the market from any place with Internet connection It also includes multiple trading tools such as price charts with different time frames, built-in technical indicators, real time quotes, market news and various types of orders to trade on the market.-XM Multiterminal MT4 A platform that is based on Metatrader 4, which is designed for professional traders who are interested in trading with currency pairs Forex , CFD and Futures through multiple trading accounts and through a single interface and platform This application offers multiple order types and allows managing over 100 accounts simultaneously.-XM MAM Trader For fund managers, portfolio manag ers and multiple account holders, XM offers an application designed to manage multiple trading accounts called XM MAM Trader which is based on Metatrader 4 This platform has many of the features of Metatrader 4 as advanced price charts, automated trading and Expert Advisors This application allows to manage multiple MT4 trading accounts with a single interface It is an applicarion that allows the simple and efficient management of multiple accounts of Metatrader through a simple interface, making it ideal for professionals who manage accounts and funds of lot of investors.-Now, this broker offers the following applications based on Metatrader which are designed to access the account and trade in the market with different mobile devices. XM Droid Trader It is a platform designed for Android powered Smartphones and tablets. XM iPhone Trader This application is designed specifically for Apple iPhone smartphones. XM iPAD Trader It is an special application designed for Apple iPad devices. XM M obile Trader This platform is designed for pocket PCs PDAs and different smartphones. The client can deposit and withdrawal funds through Bank Wire Transfer, Credit Cards the most important like VISA and Maskercard , Skrill, Neteller, CashU, Webmoney, Western Union and Moneygram. Main Advantages of XM. Forexyard Forex Broker. By Raul Canessa C. Forexyard is a specialized broker that offer the possibility to trade with Forex, commodities like gold and silver and Contracts For Difference through a downloadable and web based trading platform Also, this company offers Forex automated trading solutions for its clients, including an auto trading platform. Forexyard is a Market Maker broker. Since it was acquired by the company Safecap Investments, Forexyard is registered with the following financial regulatory agencies. FCA United Kingdom. Banque de France France. Forexyard offers the possibility to trade with the following instruments. Forex Market 20 pairs currency pairs in the spot market including the most important such as the EUR USD and the GBP USDmodities Gold, silver and oil in the spot market, the most traded and important commodities. Contracts For Difference based on the following instruments. Gold, Silver and Oil.4 of the main stock indices in the market including SP 500, NASDAQ 100, DJ 30 and CAC 40.6 of the most important stocks in the U S market including General Electric, Goldman Sachs, eBay and other. This broker offers the following trading accounts for traders with different profiles. SuperMini account This trading account is designed for beginners traders with little experience in the market It can be opened with a minimum deposit of 100 and allows to trade with 14 currency pairs and commodities This account offers fixed spreads from 3 pips for the EUR USD and the minimum transaction size is 0 01 lot Standard acount It is the basic trading account of Forexyard and is designed for more experienced traders So, the minimum deposit is 1000 and it allows to trade with al l instruments offered by this broker This account offers fixed spreads from 3 pips for the EUR USD and the minimum transaction size is 0 1 lot FX-Automate account FX-Automate is an auto trading account which offers the possibility to trade in the market through fully automated trading systems which can function without the intervention of the trader The trading signals generated by the automated trading systems are executed automatically in the account of the trader It requires a minimum deposit of 2000 and allows to trade only with currency pairs Institutional account This a ECN trading account designed for professional traders For that reason it requires a minimum deposit of 50000 It allows to trade through the major liquidity providers such as banks like JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley The spreads are variable and very low from 0-1 pip for EUR USD The minimum transaction size is 1 lot and charges a commission of 4 for each traded lot. Yes, with no limit of time. Forexyard offers the foll owing options of trading platforms for their clients. FX-Trader A downloadable trading platform designed by Forexyard with offers multiple functions including advanced charts and a user-friendly interface Metatrader 4 One of the most famous and complete trading platform in the Forex market This is a downloadable application which offers a lot of trading tools including advanced charts, built-in indicators and a user-friendly interface Also, it allows to design, evaluate and implement automated trading systems called Expert Advisors FX-Webtrader This is a web based no download is required platform based on FX-Trader which allows to access the trading account from any place with a computer and Internet connection MT4-Webtrader It is a web based trading platform based on Metatrader 4 which does not offers the same amount of tools, however it offers the possibility to trade and manage the account from any place with Internet connection Forexyard FX-Automate A web based auto trading platform which include hundreds of automated trading systems that have been verified by Forexyard over the last 12 months In this case, the trader can check the performance of each system and use any number of strategies that he wants on any one or even numerous currency pairs simultaneously This application was designed by the company Tradency one of the most recognized Forex autotrading provider. Also, Forexyard offers an application that allows to manage the trading account and trade directly from any mobile device such as an IPAD, an iPhone and any smartphone This platform allow to view any open position, place orders, remover orders and more. The client can deposit and withdraw funds through Bank Wire Transfer, Credit Card, Skrill Moneybookers and Western Union. Main Advantages of Forexyard. Bonus for real trading account opening. Forexyard offers a good costumer service with the following contact methods e-mail, telephone call and live chat in their website. The visitor can request a callback. Free analysis reviews of the market. It offers a downloadable and a web based trading platform. Free client training Free trading signals. A lot of instruments for trading. Allows the Forex auto trading with a specialized platform. It is a broker with years of experience in the Forex Market. Forexyard offers the possibility to earn money promoting its services through the affiliate program Affiliateyard and Best Forex Partners. Main Offers of Forexyard. This company offers a 10 welcome bonus for new clients that open a trading account and deposit funds. Other Categories of this broker. Metatrader 4 broker Web-based trading platform broker. EXNess is a Forex and CFD broker which offers the possibility to trade with Forex spot market , commodities like precious metals, Contracts For Difference based in different assets like indices This company offers many features for the trader including cash bonuses for new clients, ECN trading accounts, low spreads, various platforms and other. No CFD are offere d by this account. For Mini and Classic accounts, the trader has the possibility to choice between instant execution Market Maker or market execution ECN in their transactions. This broker offers the following types of trading platforms for its clients. Easy-Forex Forex Broker. By Raul Canessa C. Easy-Forex-Forex Broker Review. Easy-Forex is a regulated Market Maker Forex broker which was founded in 2001 It offer the possibility to trade efficiently in the Forex market spot market and with commodities like crude oil, gold and silver This company offers various options of trading accounts and platforms, including web-based trading platforms Additionally, the broker has a automated trading service. Easy-Forex is a Market Make broker. This company has the following regulation. ASIC Australian Security and Investment Commision of Australia as Easy Forex Pty Ltd CySEC Cyprus Securities and Investment Commision of Cyprus as Easy Forex Trading Ltd This licence allows this company to offers its financial services in all EU member states. The clients of this broker have the possibility to trading with the following financial instruments. Forex Market More than 50 different currency pairs in the Forex spot market, including the most important like the EUR USD, GBP USD and USD JPY and other more exotic such as the USD TRY, USD ZAR and GBP ZAR among other Commodities Gold and silver in the spot market, two of the most important and globally traded commodities Contracts For Difference CFD based on the following financial instruments 15 of the most important global stock indices like the SP 500, FTSE 100 and Nikkei 225 among others Five energy commodities such as crude oil WTI and Brent and natural gas 7 agricultural commodities such as coffee, soybeans and cocoa 5 metals gold, silver, platinum, palladium and copper. Options FX Options OTC Forex Vanilla Options call and put based on 18 currency pairs including the EUR USD, GBP USD and USD JPY and gold XAU USD In this case, the trader can use all kinds of trad ing strategies to trade options through the opening and combination of two or more positions with Call and or Put options. Easy-Forex offers 3 types of trading accounts for its clients with the following features. Brokers that accept USA customers. Forex brokers for US Traders. As many U S traders know, just a few Forex brokers have the authorization to offer their services to customers in the United States Due to strict regulations that have imposed by the financial regulatory authorities of that country, most brokers that offer their services to trade in the Foreign Exchange market to customers virtually around the world are not allowed to do the same in the United States because most of these companies do not meet all the standards that are common for example, for stock brokers. The US authorities have imposed a restriction that limits the leverage that these companies can offer to only 1 50 for U S customers , so some brokers already operating in that country had to move their operation s to another countries such Australia or Cyprus for example in order to continue providing the same service An example of this is the broker IBFX that recently opened IBFX Australia, which offers the same maximum leverage of 1 400.A Forex broker that operates in the United States must be registered and comply with the regulations of the NFA National Futures Association and CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commision which ensures that meet a set of fundamental requirements that have the great advantage that will ensure the customer a better service, security of funds when investing in opening a trading account and legal support Thus, the client may have greater security when operating with a broker of these when compared with some brokers from other countries whose modus operandi is somewhat dubious In summary, a customer having a problem with a broker with permission to operate in the United States has at least one opportunity to complain to some authority that could resolve the problem. Likewise, a Forex broker regulated in the United States must have a minimum of capital to enable it to fulfill its functions as an intermediary between customers and the market itself In short, a broker of such category must be a company that should be fully established and completely legal Therefore, if you are a resident of the United States and is interested in trading with a Forex broker authorized to accept U S customers, you can consult the following list. List brokers that accept U S customers. Brokers with low deposits. Currently, the offer of Forex brokers is extremely wide There are dozens of companies that offer access to the Forex market and other financial markets for traders around the world Although these brokers share similar characteristics with each other, also have their differences, for example the type of execution these companies offer NDD, ECN and Market Makers , the trading platform used, the markets these brokers provide access and the minimum amount to open an tr ading account with them The minimum amount may vary substantially from one broker to another, for example is still possible to find brokers that let you open an account with a deposit of only 1, while other brokers require a deposit of at least 5000 or more. Obviously not everyone has the opportunity to start by opening an account with 5000 For this reason, brokers that have a low minimum deposit are a good option especially for beginner traders If you, for example is a novice trader with little or no experience in the financial markets, you probably will not want to risk your hard earned money while learning how to trade and be profitable in the market While the demo accounts can be helpful at some point the trader must jumpand open a real account, so its best to start with one that allows you to operate with limited funds. Likewise, a broker that offers this type of account allows a more experienced trader to learn about the service and actual trading conditions provided by this broker , without risking a large capital deposited in a company that may not meet its expectatives For example, if a trader opens a trading account of 50 with a broker X which in the end provided a service rather mediocre, he will probably decides not to continue trading with this company If this ocurrs, this trader will lose only 50 On the contrary, if the broker meets the expectations of the trader, all this trader have to do is to deposit more funds and continue trading in the market through this company. While some of these brokers that offer low minimum deposits to their accounts are not among the best and some of them are rather questionable only some , there are serious and consolidated companies that offer this possibility to attract new customers. Below is a list of Forex brokers that offer the possibility to open a trading accounts with a minimum deposit of 1 to 200 The list includes a link to a full review of the broker on this site. List of brokers with a minimum deposit of 200 or le ss. Paypal Payment Processor. By Raul Canessa C. Paypal is the main electronic payment system in the world It is used by millions of users to send and receive payments online The company Paypal Inc is owned by eBay Inc and was founded in 2000 It was one of the first electronic payment system and is currently the most popular Although each Paypal account has balance associated with it, the company does not use any virtual currency system because it is a pure payment system So it can not be considered a bank and not paying interest on money deposited. Paypal accounts are anonymous and are based on the customers email However Paypal requires a credit card to verify the account, add funds and send money to other customers Paypal earnings come from commissions charged by the company for sending and receiving money Paypal is used by multiple Forex brokers as a method to add and withdraw funds from the trading account As a method of payment, Paypal is very convenient because the transactions are immediate and allow customers to operate in their account in less than a day Also, Paypal allows you to use the customers credit card without exposing this directly Paypal is accepted in most countries of the world and is used by many brokers, making it a very suitable method of payment Through this link, you can access a list of Forex brokers that accept PayPal as payment method. If you want to open a Paypal account is free to trade in the Forex market or make money transactions using the Internet, you can do so through the following link. Offers of binary options brokers. The binary options brokers as well as Forex brokers offer regularly various types of offers for both new and regular customers These offers usually consist of cash bonuses for the opening of trading accounts and the deposit of funds The purpose of these bonuses is to attract new customers and ensure the loyalty of regular clients due to the proliferation of new brokers that offer the possibility to trade with binary op tions. Currently, the number of brokers of this type has risen compared with the past 2-5 years and the trader has the option of choosing among dozens of companies The level of competition between these companies has reached such a point that a lot of affiliate programs to promote these brokers have been implemented and the offer of bonus packages as mentioned above, which work similarly even in the amounts offered to the bonus packages of Forex brokers. However, sometimes these brokers implement other offers such as additional services, new types of underlying instruments or options to trade For example, now there are brokers which offer one touch options and barrier options besides the traditional Above Below binary options. The list table presents the most interesting offers offered by the main binary options brokers. RoboOption offers free bonus 15 USD. Payza Payment Processor. By Raul Canessa C. Payza is an online payment system which is not as well known as Paypal, Skrill or Neteller It is a payment processor that lets you send and receive money through internet To perform these transactions Alertpay charge commissions which are generally cheaper than other similar companies. Payza headquarters are in Montreal, Canada, and is in operation since 2004 Payza has customers in 190 countries worldwide and supports up to 23 different currencies Unlike other money transfer systems online, Alertpay allows withdrawals through bank transfers or certified checks In fact, Payza offers wire transfers to 46 banks worldwide. Strictly, this company meets with the Regulations of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions of Canada OSFI , the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada FINTRAC and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network FinCEN. For these reasons, Payza is being used by some Forex broker as a method for sending and receiving funds for their trading accounts Although there are few brokers that use this payment system, the number of companie s related to the Forex market tha use Payza is growing everyday, for this reason, more and more traders are using this electronic payment system. Through this link, you can access a list of Forex brokers that accept Payza as a payment method. If you are interested on learn more about Payza and open an account is completely free you can use the following link or banner. Social Forex Trading. Undoubtedly social networks have become one of the most important communication media to the point that they can affect in one way or another all areas of modern life today due to the fact that they allow to link millions of people around the world In fact, financial markets are not immune to this reality, especially the Forex market which has seen the creation of various social networks created by some of the leading Forex brokers. Logically, the central topic of these social networks is the Forex market and their members and participants are traders professionals and beginners and people interested in financial markets and the main aspects related to these As social networks focused precisely on these topics, these are ideal places to exchange points of views on major developments that may affect the prices of various financial instruments including Forex Also, these sites provide an insight of the opinion of expert traders and analysts about possible future scenarios and their consequences. Thus, a member of one of these sites can form an extensive network of contacts with traders from around the world with which he can exchange opinions on the market Thanks to this the member can have an overview about the average thinking of the traders about the market, which in turn may provide clues to what may happen in the short to medium term. Depending on the broker, each social network has its own characteristics For example, there are cases in which the network is integrated directly with the broker, which allows the trader to check the trends of open positions and orders of traders who ar e trading with the company Also, there are social networks that display the trades performed by each member of the network This feature offers the opportunity to copy the transactions undertaken by the most successful traders who trade with the broker as trading signals In fact, these sites show the ranking of the best traders and their results so that other traders can follow just the signals of the most profitable traders. In conclusion, the social networks of these brokers offer the following advantages. The opportunity to exchange points of views about the market with traders from around the world. The possibility of following the trades made by the most successful traders that are trading with these companies. List of social networks of trading. The following is a list of brokers that allow to trade with financial options This list does not include Binary Options brokers as there is a complete section dedicated to this type of option Basically, the list below includes Forex brokers tha t offer options based on various financial instruments, like the following. Currency pairs Forex Commodities gold, silver, oil and other Stocks of different markets, mainly the US market and European market The main stock indices Futures on various types of assets Other. In most cases these brokers are regulated by the main financial regulatory agencies in Europe and North America such as the NFA and FINRA from United States for example. In general, these brokers offer traditional American and European options Plain Vanilla , however, in some cases the trader has the possibility to trade with exotic options such as binary options which offer different trading conditions. List of options brokers. Alfatrade is a Forex and CFD broker from Europe which allows to trade with Forex, precious metals and Contracts For Difference based on indices, stocks and commodities This company offers a variety of services, including ECN execution, access to many markets, modern trading platforms, solutions of F orex automated trading and more. All account types are suitable for traders of all types, including beginners, experts and traders specialized in autotrading. Metatrader 4 Brokers. List of Forex Brokers that use Metatrader 4.Metatrader 4 is one of the most popular and complete trading platforms in the industry for a lot of reasons First it all, is quite stable, it has advanced graphics, it has incorporated multiple features and advanced tools of analysis of the market mainly based in technical analysis and allows the Forex Autotrading through automated strategies known as Expert Advisers For these reasons, the vast majority of Forex brokers now use Metatrader 4 as one of its main trading platforms and sometimes as the only one. These brokers offers several versions of Metatrader 4, including a mobile version for smartphones and a version capable to manage multiple trading accounts, a perfect application for money managers and professional traders that trade with several accounts and instru ments with their own money and that of their clients This is one of the main reasons of why so many brokers use Metatrader 4, since it is an extremely versatile trading platform that can be used by traders with a very different profile. Social Trading with Markets. By Raul Canessa C. The Forex broker Markets regulated by CySEC and registered with the FCA and other financial regulators in Europe now has a social network for traders which offers many advantages for customers of this company, including the possibility to contact hundreds of traders worldwide and copy directly the operations of the most successful investors through a user-friendly platform. Today social networks for traders have become extremely popular, especially among Forex traders For this reason Markets has implemented its own social trading tool which is based on software developed by the company Sirix Thus, the broker seeks to increase the activity of its customers through a simple application that increases the trader s chances of success in the market. The social trading platform of Sirix is a modern application that features advanced trading functions which are integrated directly with Markets account allowing real-time execution of transactions copied to other traders selected for their high performance These selected traders belong to this social network for traders as customers of this broker Markets was the first Forex broker to use the social trading platform developed by Sirix. One of the biggest advantages of Sirix platform is that it requires no download or installation and can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection It is also compatible with the latest mobile devices like tablets and smartphones It is compatible with Metatrader 4, so that both applications are completely synchronized, so there are no delays in trading executions and information exchange. Advantages of the social trading tool of Markets. The trader can see real-time updates of transactions made by other traders that trade regularly with Markets It has a function called Copy Trade, which allows to use the knowledge and experience of professional traders that operate with this broker Through this function, the trader can copy any trade carried out by these operators These trades are executed as trading signals using the equity in the client s trading account Each copied operation becomes a trading signal that is executed automatically With this application, the trader can follow and copy any desired trader, based on their performance and trading style To this end, Markets provides updated data about each trader integrated to this social network related to the trading performance since he she opened the trading account with this broker The trader can share knowledge and experiences with traders from all over the world, especially with successful traders with years of experience in the financial markets like Forex Thanks to this, the clients of Markets can increase their knowledge about market an alysis and trading strategies developed to trade in markets with different conditions. If you are interested in learning more about the social trading tools of Markets and other services provided by the broker to its clients, you can access the companys website via the following link. PAMM Managed Accounts. What are the PAMM Accounts. In this section we will analyze an interesting topic that has become quite common in regard to the Forex market PAMM managed account s This account is offered by the leading Forex brokers today and constitutes an alternative means by which any investor, even one that has little knowledge about financial markets, can invest in the Forex market and gets very interesting profits. We can define the PAMM accounts Percentage Allocation Management Module as trading accounts which are managed by expert traders with years of experience in the market, rather than the investors themselves This means that all the work to analyze the market and open and close positions is performed by a professional trader who gets a percentage of the money earned from all the trades as a payment on their knowledge and trading management In this case the investor does not have to do anything but open a PAMM account with a broker that offers the service, deposit funds, choose the trader who will manage their funds and trade with them and regularly monitor the performance of the trader who is managing the money Thus investment in PAMM accounts is a relatively safe alternative because it take advantage of the knowledge of money managers with years of experience as a traders The great advantage of PAMM managed accounts is that allow that even people without any knowledge about how to trade in the Forex market or other financial markets, to invest and exploit the enormous potential of the currency market for profit PAMM accounts are also a good choice for experienced investors who wish to diversify their investments or to investors who have the knowledge but not the time to analyze and invest in the market all day. With regard to the amount that the investor should invest in the PAMM account, it depends mainly of each broker, and in some cases the minimum is only 200 while in others it may be up to 10000 For this reason, each investor must find the option that best fits their budget The brokers that offer the service of PAMM accounts are really an intermediary between investors and account money managers professional traders who offer their services for conducting transactions in financial markets In this case, the earnings obtained from trades are divided by the investor and the manager in accordance with various percentages depending on the broker The brokers earnings comes from the spreads or any other type of commission the company charges for their services To understand how this works we can observe the following image. At this point it is necessary to explain that in reality the money managers do not trade each investor account separately unless they manage just only one investor account What really makes every professional manager is to merge into a single account the PAMM account itself the accounts of all investors who choose him to manage their funds and his own money, in this way the money managment is simpler and the account manager has more flexibility to trade in the market In summary, as mentioned above, the investors that open a PAMM account select a money manager to invest their money in the Forex market for them, meanwhile the manager brings together the funds of all customer accounts into one account that he use to perform the market trades according to his knowledge and best criteria. This ensures that all gains and losses obtained by the manager are distributed equally among the investors according to the capital provided by each one at account opening. Advantages of the PAMM Accounts. For the investors, the PAMM accounts simplify the whole process of investment and minimizing risks This is because the investors can ta ke advantage of the knowledge and experience of succesful traders who have been trading in the market for years Remember that the reality is that not everyone is able to invest in the market and profit, hence the main advantage of PAMM accounts is that allow to take advantage of the capabilities of those traders who can In one sense, the PAMM accounts are a form of autotrading as these accounts allow any person to invest in the market without the need to perform a single trade The investor only has to deposit funds and let the money manager to trade for him using these funds Like any form of automated trading, PAMM accounts allow to exclude the human factor psychology from investors, the number one cause of failure when a trader invest in the market In this way, the PAMM accounts reduces the chance of errors and increases the speed with which trades are performed as these accounts are managed by professional traders that are dedicated 24 hours a day, from Monday through Friday, to anal yze the market and seek new opportunities For managers, PAMM accounts gives the possibility of having access to a greater amount of capital, which increases the possibility of higher profits This also allows the manager to have greater flexibility to trade in the market. In general, the brokers that offer PAMM accounts for their clients offer the following conditions to managers. These brokers allow the manager to grasp and trade with much larger amounts of money that he would have by their own The management platforms for PAMM accounts allow the manager to perform any amount of trades that he wants in any trading style and strategy In fact, there are very few limitations on the amount and type of trades the manager can perform Also these platforms give the manager the ability to see the performance of all their transactions in real time and the possibility to manage these positions The payment of the earnings obtained by each investor with the PAMM account are automatically processed th e money is deposited directly into the account of the investor For this reason the manager does not have to worry about doing this The investor has the right to withdraw its investment in the PAMM when deemed necessary, unless there are a maturity agreement of investment between the two parties An agreement which specifies that no money can be withdraw before a certaing date Otherwise, the manager can not prevent any investors withdraw their capital. Trading system based on 4 EMA crossover. The trading strategy that we present below is a system based on the crossover of 4 exponential moving averages EMA of 5, 10, 20 and 50 periods In this sense, it is no different from other similar strategies, but includes indicators such as the RSI and stochastic oscillator to measure market momentum, which allows the trader to confirm the reliability of the crosses We should recall that in trading systems based on moving averages crossies false signals may occur and therefore it is important to employ means for filtering signals This system also includes a custom indicator for Metatrader 4 EMA EMA Cross Indicato r which serves to signal EMA crossings. For both signals, the change in direction of the Zig Zag indicator may also signal a possible trend change and can be taken as a signal for closing a position. Trading system example. As we have seen, the system is really simple Several confirmation signals are added in the form of momentum indicators such as RSI and stochastic oscillator to avoid false signals so common in those systems based on moving averages crossing. In the picture above we see the example of a buy signal generated by the system In this case, first appears a green arrow pointing to the EMA crossing which suggest the opening of a long position At the same time, both the RSI and stochastic oscillator are in bullish direction The signal is confirmed when a candle closes above the 5-period EMA As we see, the price begins to rise strongly until it reaches a Fibonacci leve l, and goes back to the 50-period EMA where it reprises the upward movement We could have closed the position at that level However, if the position had not been closed, you can consider closing the position when a red arrow appears, since this is a signal of a possible change from bullish to bearish trend Finally, when a candle closes below the 20-period EMA the long position is closed since the change of market direction is clear. System template for Metatrader 4.What are the trading contests. The trading contests are a tool implemented by some brokers, including Forex brokers to attract new traders and encourage existing customers to trade more constantly The competition that exists in the sector between dozens of these companies has made that some brokers develop new strategies to attract potential investors In this ways these contests are a very efective promotional tool Basically, these are competitions among traders interested in the Forex market and or other financial markets whe re the competitor who gets more profits in a given period of time becomes the winner of an award that may be of various types. A cash prize credited to the trader s account if the competitor have an account with the broker that organizes the contest If the trader does not have an account, the company will open one immediately and the trader can use the money earned to trader in the market or can retire it if desired In some cases, the broker gives the competitor the option to withdraw the prize won directly without having to open an account These are competitions organized for both demo account and real trading account users. A real account with a certain amount of money deposited in it These are contests created for potential customers who have opened a demo practice account with the broker. The possibility to manage a real account from the broker that organizes the contest that in some cases can be up to 50000.Trading competition Fast and Gloriousof HotForex. Trading Competition VIP 2015 of HotForex. Trading competition for demo accounts of RoboOption. Intergalactic Trading Competition of IronFX. Rolex Time Trader Trading Competition of HotForex. Trading books for beginners. By Raul Canessa C. If you are interested in investing in the Forex market or other financial market, but do not have any knowledge on the subject, these books are perfect for you as they are written for beginners like you These books provide an adequate introduction for all those people who want to learn the basics of trading As mentioned before in this website, the trading is not a game, you can earn big money but you can also lose money if you do not know what you are doing For this reason it is necessary to learn and start from the very basics In trading as anything in life, the knowledge is the key. The books listed below do this precisely as they teach the basics of trading and serve as a guide for people seeking a deeper understanding of the market and how it evolve Of course, by reading one book y ou will not become an expert trader, as this requires a lot or study and practice, but they will provide a good start. These texts study various topics related to trading from the different types of financial markets to basic techniques for investing in these markets Because these are books written for beginners, they are very practical and very easy to read as they do not require a very deep background in the subject to be understood. The following is a list of some of the most interesting trading books for beginners This list will be updated constantly. Oil trading brokers. The Oil Trading. Oil has always played a crucial role in any portfolio of a trader There are several ways to invest in Oil, for example by funding the exploration of oil, by financing through the ETFs and mutual funds These investment vehicles depends to a large extent on the performance of oil, speculation, and supply and demand This makes it a very risky business Oil trade against the dollar, however, means that the trader does not own the underlying asset, but instead trade it about price movement The trader, then, can benefit as much if the price of oil goes up or down and also can take advantage of volatile market movements For these reasons, oil is a good option for speculation. The oil trading twith Forex brokers and other companies, is carried out identically to currency trading It is OTC trading in Over The Counter markets , which means that transactions are directly between only two sides, the buyer and the seller Theres is no any third party or side involved, as in an exchange market. The acronym for the commodity oil is OIL It is measured in barrels but are settled in cash non-delivery trading , that means that the negociation is not carried out physically The price of oil is set based on a currency like the U S dollar For example, the price of oil in terms of the US Dollar has the following form. OIL USD 76 85 dollars for each oil barrel. Like other commodities like gold or silver, oil is u sed as the basis for all operations with a variety of financial derivatives as futures contracts, financial options, CFD Contracts For Difference and others This makes the oil a very versatile instrument for investing and speculating. Oil Futures contracts. In a contract of Oil Future, the buyer agrees to pay and accept the delivery of the product and the seller acept to deliver the oil at the required place at the required time These Futures contracts are celebrated in specialized markets and there are paid one day in advance according to the current market price The minimum contract size is 1000 barrels The major oil trading agreements are made on the major stock trading as NYMEX, CME, LOE and other Oil contracts are one of the most common among Futures contracts. Oil contracts are most common among futures and are used for speculative purposes benefit from changes in the price of oil and for hedging purposes If the contract is used for hedging, the investor wants to ensure a fixed pri ce today for tomorrows operation The Oil Futures trading can be very profitable and risky at the same time, therefore investors should be careful with them. List of Oil Trading Brokers. A ranked list of Forex brokers and others companies which provide all traders the opportunity to trade with oil and, sometimes, other types of goods The price of oil is strongly connected with the currency prices Thats why the oil market often provides a good opportunity for forex traders to maximize profits usual. List of CashU Brokers. The following is a list of Forex brokers and Binary Options brokers that use CashU as a method to deposit and withdraw funds from the trading account CashU is one of the best and most used company by these brokers as a payment method because it is safe, fast and efficient In addition, CashU has very low commissions for the transactions made by its clients Actually, CashU is used by many companies and business based in Internet as one o their payment methods The company is b ased in Jordan, in Central America and is working since 2002 as a payment processor for thousands of clients around the world. Trading Technique with RSI and CCI. By Raul Canessa C. This is a simple trading technique based on the use of the indicators RSI oscillator and CCI trend indicator The author claims it is a pretty efficient system, however, I recommend to evaluate it on a demo account before risking real money The strategy was explained in a forum on the Forex market and its author has indicated that sometimes he obtains more than 400 pips in two days with this system To implement the system the trader requires a candle or bar chart with a time frame of 5 minutes the trader can use longer time frames but can be more risky The indicators used are the RSI at 14 it can also be used with 8 periods too with additional levels at 45 and 50 and the CCI with 14 periods The recommended currency pairs are. Because it works based on oscillators and in a short time frame, the system produces fa lse signals, which can be filtered using an indicator like the ADX at 14 for example The MACD can also be used with a configuration of 3, 81, 29 and 3, 10, 16 Another indicator that can be used is a moving average to verify the direction of the trend Remember that in markets with a strong tendency the oscillators produce even more false signals so it is best to trade in favor of the trend For that an EMA can help us. Rules of the strategy. Buy after the candle bar has closed and the RSI is above 50 while the CCI is above 0.Sell after the candle bar has closed and the RSI is below 45 while the CCI is below 0.Close the position if the RSI shows signs of reversing its direction. While the RSI levels are kept between 45 and 50 do not enter the market. If the trade moves in our favor we can use trailing stops or closed position when the price reaches a support or resistance You can also search if there are reversal formations. The following image shows two entry signals for the EUR USD in a 5 mi nute chart Do not include any filter in this case, only the main indicators. Like any system based on such indicators, it generates a certain amount of false signals so it is important to respect the stop loss at all times and apply a appropiate money management strategy so that the gains outweigh the losses.-More trading techniques. Strategy of moving averages crossing or Lowry system. By Raul Canessa C. What is the Lowry System. This is a trading technique developed by a trader named Scott Lowry and is based in moving averages crosses Before starting the description of the strategy we will describe 3 basic concepts. In the following images, is possible to observe the different possibilities of the Delphic Phenomenon in a bull market and a bear market, including the System Failure in both cases The blue line is a moving average of 4 periods used to show the immediate direction of the market The red line is the moving average of 18 periods and the green line is moving average of 40 periods. O nline trading academy europe Best Binary Option Signals Service professionalbroadcastingnetwork. Online trading academy europe binary option methods free deposit. 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Daily newsletter - Stock Option Trades. NextOptions Earnings Options Stocks Play List - 3 Month Subscription Only 299 for 3 months. Daily newsletter - Stock Option Trades. NextOptions Earnings Options Stocks Play List - 6 Month Subscription Only 499 for 6 months. Daily newsletter - Stock Option Trades. One Day Swing Trades Forex System. One Day Swing Trades is a Forex trading system composed of a set of custom indicators and customized setting provided by the creator in the members area The indicators provide exact entry, stop loss and take profit levels and can be used with either the Metatrader4, Ninja Trade or Trade Station platforms You use this info rmation ONCE A DAY to place your trades Trading takes only about 10 minutes a day. Simply placing these trades once a day can increase your trading account by an average of 500 pips a month. Why I Picked One Day Swing Trade Forex System. There are two compelling reasons for recommending One Day Swing Trades. ONE The One Day Swing Trade system is easy to learn Inside the members area there is video training explaining everything you need to know to load the indicators, set up the indicators and place the trades Full customized indicators settings are provided for the recommended currency pairs to trade Once you have everything set up, you are ready to start trading perfectly right from the start no thinking or decisions to make. I think one of the biggest problems people have learning a Forex trading system is they are often too difficult and require too much input by the trader As a result, an experience trader can trade the system profitably, but a less experienced trader cannot With the O ne Day Swing Trader system, everyone trades the system the same This is a very important fact when looking to be profitable with a new Forex system from the beginning. TWO The One Day Swing Trade system is very easy to trade Once a day you look at your charts and place trades on the recommended currency pairs The indicators tell you exactly where to place your pending order and put your stop loss and take profit Literally, you can trade this system in as little as 10 minutes a day. Too often, people try to learn Forex systems that they would never be able to trade in the real world Most people dont have the time to sit in front of the charts for hours looking for setups And even if they do find a setup, they dont have time to sit there and manage the trade correctly With One Day Swing Trades, you place the trades and your done Anyone can trade this system without having to completely rearrange their lives. Whats It Like To Trade The One Day Swing Trade System. At the appropriate time of da y you open your charts and look at the indicator The indicator shows if it is a buy or sell, where to place your pending order, stop loss and take profit You repeat placing the trades for each of the currencies you are trading Thats it youre done. Here is a chart snapshot. This chart shows 4 days of trading You just open your platform, place a pending buy order at the star and the stop loss and take profit at the appropriate dots If the trade is a sell, the star and dots are under the line and a different color The first three trades would have been winners The fourth trade was a loser. Some days your trades might not be triggered at all. This chart shows 2 days of trading On the first day, the pending buy order was not triggered On the second day, the pending sell order was not triggered You just cancel these pending orders the next day before you place your new order. This is a very low stress way of trading Just place your pending orders and let the market do its thing One trade a day pe r currency pair you are trading thats it. One Day Swing Trade 30 day Challenge. One of the things I really like about the team behind One Day Swing Trades is they want you to prove it to yourself how easy and profitable trading this system can be They challenge you to trade the system for 30 days and see if you get 500 pips This shows confidence that if you trade this system as instructed for a full 30 days, you are going to be happy with the results. I think this is very important, especially if you are someone who tends to jump from one system to another By dedicating yourself to trading the system for 30 days, you are giving the system a REAL chance And Im sure that even if you dont hit the 500 pip mark, you are going to be impressed at how simple and profitable this way of trading can be. And for those of you that think 500 pips is not enough, let me ask you this Isnt it better to bank 500 pips a month with an easy system you can trade successfully than continue searching for a miracle system you just cant seem to trade in real life. The power of the One Day Swing Trade Forex system comes from its simplicity The system takes very little time to trade and leaves nothing to the imagination You look at your charts once a day and immediately know where to put your pending buy or sell order, stop loss and take profit This is a real system with proven track recored But more importantly, it is a Forex system anyone can trade according to the rules with the training and indicators provided. Click Here to Take The One Day Swing Trade 30 Day Challenge. Want To Profit From Forex Trading Without Having To Learn To Trade On Your Own. Learning to trade Forex can be time consuming, difficult and expensive A better option for some people is to use a Forex signals service and have all the trading done for you With Best Forex Trade Signals, you can get the trades automatically on your account through broker to broker trade copying. Here are the stats for the Best Forex Trade Signals strat egies. Dragonfly FX Signals. Butterfly FX Signals. Today s Forex Trading Tips. As forex traders, it is not enough to forecast the correct direction of prices, you also need to know which pairs will offer the best forex signals. While no approach is ever fool-proof, I have found this simple technique invaluable. By simply comparing the forex pairs I am tracking relative to the Dollar Index DXC in terms of performance from a specific starting point, traders can quickly determine which forex pair is likely to give them the most bang for the buck. Take the current situation. I am bullish on the Dollar Index DXC. I believe the Dec 27th low marks the start of a sustained move higher. Which FX pairs since Dec 27th are the best candidates to trade. As you can see on the chart below. DXC is up 1 03 since the Dec 27th low. USD CHF is up over 2.EUR USD is off over 1 5.Thus, the best trades are in the pairs that are outperforming long USD CHF and underperforming short EUR USD the move in DXC Pairs like USD JPY and USD CAD would not be good candidates to trade from the long side as they are underperforming by a very large degree. Dollar Index vs Major Forex Pairs. What the HR Director Should Know About Strategic Deployment And How To Help Implement It.-Ten steps towards implementing a strategy into the culture, fabric and full-scale operations of an organization. As global competition gets tougher, every function in an organization must play a key role in making everything as efficient and of the highest quality possible New international trade agreements alone have erased quotas and tariffs that insulated U S industries from highly focused foreign competition Technological developments have made the world much smaller with decisions possible in an instant. Human resource professionals help employ, train and grow the people who must operate in this environment which requires increasingly better responsiveness to customer needs and competition than at any time in history. Loyal customers are, of c ourse, a key to profitability for any business To have loyal customers, businesses must create knowledgeable employees Whether domestic or global, any organization must not only define the scope of its operations by developing a strategy, but also clearly define the culture and environment required in the markets it operates to maintain growth in profits and jobs Proactive support of the business strategy and of management by the human resource executive becomes vital. That support is critical to the success of the organization s strategic plan and deployment process Strategic deployment is the full integration and alignment of all company strategies, goals and functions Research and development, manufacturing, human resources, finance, marketing, quality, and customer service goals are incorporated into one unified vision, mission and key strategies Everyone in the organization is marching together in the same direction each person knows what his her contribution is expected to be and how it will be measured. In too many organizations, this linkage is often incomplete If strategies and goals are deployed effectively with strong communications throughout the entire internal employee relations process, then customer services, loyalty, growth and the bottom line can show significant improvement Strategic deployment is very dependent on the competencies of the organization s employees and can benefit from skills assessments, employee development, performance-led compensation plans, employee retention, and literally all of the other human resource issues. Successful integration of the human resource function with the strategic deployment process will. Reduce operating costs. Increase customer satisfaction and shareholder value. Create a responsive, flexible and disciplined business system. Encourage interdepartmental cooperation. Develop opportunities for breakthroughs in operational procedures. Empower managers and employees to get things done. Eliminate wasteful efforts on init iatives and projects not in the strategic plan. Avoid conflicts in plans for technology, manufacturing, and marketing. Focus resources toward achievable financial goals. There usually are ten steps to implement a strategy into the culture, fabric and full-scale operations of an organization The human resource function should participate in all of them as outlined.1 Establish a vision strategic deployment begins with a focus on customers A common vision defines the benefits a customer, employee, shareholder, or society can expect from an organization If there is agreement on overall direction, the means to achieve it can be flexible The HR function should participate in this vision by providing knowledge on the organization s ability to deliver on the vision.2 Agree on a Mission often confused with vision, a mission statement answers the question What business es are we in and clarifies an organization s purpose or reason for existence - nothing more HR can play an active role in determini ng if the culture is supportive of the mission.3 Develop Key Strategies the first step in converting a vision to an achievable plan is the development of four or five strategies that contribute to the overall vision Obtain, validate and assess data in five areas customer loyalty and satisfaction, costs of poor quality, company culture and employee satisfaction, the internal business process including suppliers, and competitive benchmarking HR is responsible for the employee strategies to enable the vision to be achieved by assuring the culture is ready.4 Develop Strategic Goals be specific, measurable and within a set time - typically 1-2 years Seven areas must be examined product performance, competitive performance, quality improvement, cost of poor quality, performance of business processes, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty and retention HR is responsible to define educational, retention and performance goals to enable other strategies to be completed.5 Establish Values v alues are what an organization stands for and believes in, supported by actions and deeds from management Training and communication of the values for all employees is fundamental This is one of the HR department s most critical missions in strategic development HR can conduct a values assessment and align employees to the values system.6 Communicate Company Policies policy declarations as a guide to managerial action are necessary during change, and result from thorough deliberation by management with approval at the highest level There has been an unprecedented surge in publishing policies based on quality and customer focus Communications to and from employees has always been a component of HR Today HR must find instantaneous ways to filter information from employees and provide management with a snapshot of their feelings and ideas.7 Provide Top Management Leadership a basic step in establishing any strategic plan is participation of senior management acting as an executive council The council is responsible for executing the strategic business plan and monitoring key performance indicators HR executives and functions should not just get the employees ready The HR executives should be at the important strategic meetings to assure a balance between technological projects and cultural projects.8 Deploy Goals deployment of long - and short-term goals is the conversion into operational plans and projects - subdividing goals and allocating sub-goals with careful attention to details, participants, schedule, and milestones Projects can be based on the approach used for a quality methodology called Six Sigma for reducing costs, waste, or improving product and process performance HR should also prepare its own processes and staff to meet the new strategies and goals.9 Measure Progress With Key Performance Indicators an organized approach to measurement is vital for measuring the degree of each initiative s success Measurements monitor continuous improvement, and individ ual, team and business unit performance HR can monitor the performance of the strategic plan by participating in the scorecard planning and monitoring.10 Review Progress a formal review will increase the probability of reaching the goals An organization should look at the gaps between measurement of current conditions and the targets An essential tool for management is the audit or independent review of performance Management must confirm that systems are in place, operating properly, and that desired results are being achieved HR should follow up on an annual basis to evaluate the plan s effectiveness. Risks and lessons. Pursuit of too many HR objectives vs having all objectives enable the organization to achieve results. Excessive planning or paperwork on the part of HR or other functions drives out needed activities and de-motivates managers. Inadequate data on customers, competitors and employees creates a plan with easy targets, marginal financial results and one that will not work. To o much executive delegation causes real or perceived loss of leadership The strategic deployment process is not HR s It is the company s HR should be a player, not the owner. Elevating quality and customer focus creates a false impression that financial goals are unimportant Financial targets can be met by achieving Six Sigma levels of quality. Goals become clear - vagueness disappears HR is seen as a value added resource. Planning makes goals achievable Planning can reduce the need for hiring personnel. Controlling the process ensures goals can be reached. Chronic wastes are cut. Creating a customer-focused strategic deployment plan requires all management to become leaders, coaches and teachers who get involved personally and consistently, eliminating blame, and making decisions based on the best available practices The essential glue that makes this process work so well is when there is effective two-way communications between all levels of management, employees, front-line operations, an d customers - indeed the complete supply chain. HR management s role in two-way communications with employees is essential Any change can appear threatening to employees The HR department must have a full understanding of its implications for everyone. Deployment requires that a vision, mission, values, policies, and strategies be reflected in short-term goals and projects These are day-to-day, month-to-month activities that align corporate, operational and strategic objectives, and employee motivation with breakthrough improvement, re-engineering, and design initiatives. The essential step in a long-term, effective quality improvement effort is the active involvement by all human resource professionals in creating an environment conducive to changes necessary for success What then becomes decisive is integrating major change initiatives and quality programs into a strategic plan that is audited to ensure progress. The HR industry s premier online community and resource for Human Resource professionals HR, human resources, HR community, human resources community, HR best practices, best practices in human resources, online communities for HR, HR articles, HR news, human resources articles, human resources news, HR events, leadership, performance management, staffing and recruitment, benefits, compensation, staffing, recruitment, workforce acquisition, human capital management, HR management, human resources management, HR metrics and measurement, organizational development, executive coaching, HR law, employment law, labor relations, hiring employees, HR outsourcing, human resources outsourcing, training and development. hr human resources management resources for hr professionals HR menus HR events HR Sitemap. Sterling Trader Pro. Sterling Trader Pro is a multi-purpose front-end trading platform equipped with a list of distinctive features These features were specifically designed with the input of experienced professional traders to assist trading professionals who work with the rapidly moving electronic markets Sterling Trader Pro offers direct electronic access to all exchanges and ECNs, and is suitable for trading operations of all sizes Programmable keys for fast order entry to protect against any change-of-market conditions The load order entry features greatly reduce the time required for order entry. Trade directly with market participants. No need to route your order to a market maker. See and trade with the actual quotes in the market. Our traders connect to all major ECNSs and exchanges. New ECN Bats available. EDGX added Jan 2007.NYF-RES Millennium added May 2007.Route NYF-D with auto NX for routing to the NYSE specialist. Route Credit Suisse added to access 14 dark liquidity pools Dec 2007.Route Nasdaq BX added that PAYS TO REMOVE LIQUIDITY march 2009.Route GETCO added charges only 0005 to remove liquidity IOC orders march 2009.The Five Best Forex Brokers. In currency trading, the so-called forex broker is a liaison between a buyer and seller of f oreign exchange Forex brokers are generally associated with reputable financial institutions They generate revenue by establishing a spread between the asking price and the bidding price in currency trading There are a substantial number of forex brokers in the currency market and there are as many web sites offering forex platform reviews and listing of the top brokers A survey of such best broker rosters revealed, however, that except for a few, different brokers figure out on top 5 or top 10 rankings. Such differences in the record of the best online brokers in currency trading may be explained by the methodology adopted in compiling data for the listing The lists were generated from evaluation ratings of senior and junior traders who have used a broker in trading. Since reviewers will naturally venture at assessing only the broker or brokers who they have done business with, the list also reveals popular brokers in forex trading For the purpose of this article, more than ten web site s were visited to find out which brokers consistently figured out in the best list Bases for ranking are the frequency of broker appearances in a best list and the average of these rankings. Listed below are the top five brokers in the currency market All five brokers offer their clients forex practice accounts A brief description of each the five best forex brokers is presented below the list. Cyprus-based eToro is a multi-awarded broker in currency trading Last year alone, they garnered three prestigious awards with their innovative platform, for having the best active trading platform, and for being the best forex provider eToro made history as the first broker to offer a social network for their clients, while the competition just hitched on the services of Facebook and other available social networking sites eToro attributes their success to their simple but powerful platform for trading forex and other financial commodities and indices online. DukasCopy is a Switzerland-based broker that provides a platform for both manual and computerized trading DukasCopy serves traders, banks, professionals and hedge fund investments The primary features of its foreign exchange platform are focused towards automated trading, chart trading, application programming interface API for trading strategies and currency market indicators, a historical trading tester and built-in trading charts. New York-based FXCM Forex Capital Markets Limited operates as an online foreign exchange broker using their own platform and third party platforms It presents traders with a margin forex trading scheme and contract for difference CFD , as well as indices and financial commodities in the form of gold and crude oil. AvaFX is an online trading broker that prides itself with their catch phrase integrity is our most valuable currency They broker using fix spreads and serves it clients with advanced web-based trading resources, company analysis, and numerous currency pairs and commodities in the form o f precious metals They also offer an easily customizable online trading platform. Like eToro, Trading Point is also based in Cyprus Three of the top draw-ins for clients is its flexible leverage of even up to 1 500, tight spread starting from 1 pip, and its irresistible bonus offers Trading Point also segregates their clients accounts from company funds, which ensures that client investments are never used for purposes other than currency trading with other clients. From Theory to Practice The Forex Journey Continues. Engaging in foreign exchange trading is risky business, even for experienced forex brokers The unpredictable nature of the foreign exchange market guarantees profits as well as losses for any trader who dares to enter its gates Foreign exchange trading is definitely not for the weak of heart It takes more than guts to survive in this world where one wrong move can send hundreds, if not thousands of dollars down the drain One must have the necessary forex knowledge and skills as well. Learning the ropes. The brave souls who wish to enter this lucrative but risky enterprise should have a solid education on foreign exchange concepts Foreign exchange trading and brokerage websites offer learning materials as a service to potential clients It is recommended to take as much information as possible Possible sources include books, videos, tutorials, e-courses, and webinars, to name a few. Testing the waters. As soon as a forex trader-in-training has gained enough knowledge on the theoretical aspect of foreign exchange, he should be able to apply what he has learned in real-world market scenarios The best way to gain mastery of foreign exchange trading is to continually practice and play out trading strategies To facilitate learning, the use of live simulation with a forex practice account is recommended This allows a beginner forex trader to try out his skills using real live market data without the risk of losing any money. A forex trader will never be complete witho ut his tools The following is a partial list of the tools of the trade. A computer with a wide screen or multiple monitors Once a lot of graph and charts start appearing, an extra screen will be much appreciated. A high speed internet connection Real time market data feeds get updated every minute and may involve transmitting a lot of data when multiple currencies are involved The faster the connection, the better. A forex practice account for simulations using live market data. As a value-added service, forex trading companies offer potential clients a free forex demo account complete with access to their proprietary trading platforms This allows potential clients to try out the company s trading platform for a limited period of time At the same time, the client can test his forex trading skills using real-time market data feeds and real-world market volatility. The platform interface may allow trading of standard currency pairs, as well as experimental pairings and emerging market alterna tives Clients are usually given 10,000 to 100,000 practice amounts that they can reset anytime This allows the client to play out different scenarios and trading strategies Using built-in tools in the platform, one can manage and analyze the information presented before they arrive at a decision. Each forex trading company has its own platforms Therefore, it is suggested to try out different platforms as a way of familiarizing one s self with what is available in the market In addition, a forex practice account can be used to access different platforms such as web-based, desktop, smartphone, and mobile applications. Trading foreign currencies can be a very rewarding experience, but most of the rewards come to those who are willing to learn, have a keen eye on details, show patience, and perceptive of global events. Why use compare forex brokers before trading in Australiapare Forex Brokers is Australias leading forex broker comparison site We help Australian forex traders find the best fo rex brokers based on fees, leverage, reviews and more. Within this website you will find the best forex broker Australia comparison tables based on traders needs from the best forex trading platforms to the best high leverage fx brokers The site doesnt sell or push any currency trading account, rather the key facts are provided to you so you can make your own decision Any recommendations made are is based on the data we provide to maximise transparencypare Forex Brokers was created by real Australians who have worked with the forex industry for several years Our experienced individuals collected information based on the brokers websites and compared it to the other major players who are ASIC regulated No scraping or automation is used on compare forex brokers to ensure the highest quality forex broker Australia comparisons are made We value any feedback on these forex comparison tables so feel free to contact us. Along with our best forex broker Australia comparison tables, you can also get information on forex training, Australia forex courses and currency trading strategies for those looking to get started or enhance their currency trading skills. So whether youre a beginner looking to trade currencies for the first time or an experienced forex trader, you have come to the right place. What are Gaps in trading and how to trade Gaps. Gaps in trading are a common phenomenon and very commonly occurring in stocks A gap is formed when the opening price for the day is higher or lower than the closing price of the previous day A gap is nothing but an empty space between the closing price of the previous candle and the opening price of the next candle. The chart below is an example of a Gap formed on NZDUSD Here, we can see the difference between previous candle s closing price and the next candle s opening price indicating a very bullish sentiment. Why are Gaps formed. Gaps are formed when there is an extreme sentiment in the market and when bulls or bears overwhelm the other Ga ps in the forex markets can often be seen during important news events or on the first price candles of the week when the market is closed during the weekend Gaps can be easily distinguishable on Candlestick charts or OHLC bar charts Read more about Forex Trading the News. Gaps are identified individually as a Down Gap and an Up Gap. A down gap is formed with the opening price is lower than the closing price of the previous day An up gap is formed with the opening price is higher than the closing price of the previous day. The chart below is an example of an up gap and a down gap. When you hear about Gaps, there is a common saying that Gaps are meant to be filled In other words, if a Gap is formed, traders believe that price always comes back to fill that Gap This philosophy needs to be taken with a pinch of salt For example, when a Gap is formed, price can almost immediately or within the span of a few hours can reverse and fill the gap And at times it can take weeks or months for a Gap t o be filled. The above chart shows how the Gap that was formed on 12 th of July 2014, was filled some weeks later around 23 rd July. The next chart below shows another example of a Gap that was filled within a few days. Therefore, while it is true that gaps are meant to be filled, there is no saying in how long it could take for the gap to be filled. Gaps can be classified into the following four types. Run away or Continuation Gap. Break away Gap A break away gap is typically formed at the start of an uptrend or when price is just coming out of a consolidation phase It is known as a breakaway gap because price tends to break out from its previous consolidation to establish a new market move The chart below shows an example of a breakaway gap that was formed right after a prolonged period of consolidation. Runaway or Continuation Gap This type of gap is formed within the prevailing trend and is usually said to occur mid way of a trend When a runaway gap is identified, traders know that the pr evious trend will continue and trade in the direction of the trend Trading the continuation or runaway gap is probably one of the safest methods to trade, especially when combined with other trading methods such as support resistance or trend lines The chart below shows a continuation gap that was formed in the middle of the uptrendmon Gap This is one of the least important gaps and is formed, as the name suggests, commonly Common gaps can be formed at any time of the trading session Common gaps are more likely to be filled within a few price bars and can therefore be used for very short term intra-day trading The chart below shows a common gap that was formed, notice how quickly this gap was filled. Exhaustion Gap Exhaustion gaps are formed towards the end of the previous trend and indicate the last final push in momentum before prices start to fizzle out Exhaustion gaps are better found with stocks as it is commonly identified with a gap being formed with an unusual surge in volume In forex however, volume is not a reliable indicator and therefore exhaustion gaps should be considered along with the prevailing trend and possible support resistance levels Exhaustion gaps occur within the direction of the previous trend Example, in an uptrend, exhaustion gaps are identified with an up gap or down gap if the previous trend was a down trend. The chart below shows an exhaustion gap being formed after a brief rally Notice how after the gap was formed, price quickly changed direction and continued to fall. Gap Trading Conclusion. Gaps in the forex market are a common phenomenon and depending on the type of Gap that was identified, long or short positions can be taken If you are not sure about trading with Gaps, gaps can alternatively be used as a confirmation signal For example, when you notice a runaway gap being formed, you can take a position based on the prevailing trend, knowing very well that run away gaps are formed in the middle of a trend Gaps can therefore be a help ful way to understand the market sentiment and trade accordingly. Online trading academy reviews mike mcmahon - Practice Binary Options - autoskola-akva sk. Online trading academy reviews mike mcmahon best forex binary options broker american kelly formula. 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Cox came to Online Trading Academy after a partnership with Skillnet, a British training organization specializing in apprenticeships for the automotive engineering sector Under Cox s guidance Skillnet grew from 160 apprentices and 90 employees to over 300 apprentices and 190 employees The company that was once unprofitable was now seeing annual profits of nearly 700,000.Cox decided it was time for a new challenge and became interested in trading after selling her share of Skillnet to her partner It was during this time that Cox met Eyal Shahar, Online Trading Academy president, and soon after made the decision to open Online Trading Academy UK. I was really impressed by Eyal and the ethos of the company, said Cox Online Trading Academy s product is quite unique Whether they are beginners or experienced traders they will benefit greatly from their time spent at Online Trading Academy. 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Online Trading Academy is a trusted name in financial education and has trained tens of thousands of traders and investors worldwide at its 30 centers Now, you can tap into some of Online Trading Academys most powerful tools from your iPhone, including features and tools for stock, futures, Forex and options traders.- Pro Picks shows lessons from the classroom applied to the live market through proprietary stock picks from top Online Trading Academy instructors.- Equities market data, including most active and movers Online Trading Academy runs a pre-filter on all equities data to eliminate securities which do not meet specific trading criteria Stocks must meet the following criteria Price greater than 15 and less than 80 with an Average Daily Volume greater than 1,000,000 shares.- Economic Calendar and Earnings Calendar to give you a comprehensive overview of all the major economic events and companies with upcoming earnings releases.- Forex Summary tool that provides you a custom table displaying 72 difference currency pairs in one easy to use screen.- Commodity Futures page breaks down 49 commodity and futures contracts into 8 key segments.- Market News keeps you up to date on major news stories that may impact the markets.- Power Trading Radio is the only nationwide radio showed for the active trader community Listen to current and past shows via the Online Trading Academy iPhone App. How To Interpret Stop Order Activity. One of the most obvious patterns that Footprint Charts can be used for is spotting when stops are triggered What you witness is all the trading activity occurring on one side of the marke t, either the bid side in the case of sell stops or ask side in the case of buy stops. One trading strategy is to look for this stop pattern and fade it, with the understanding that it is capitulation and the move has exhausted. Below is a volume imbalance footprint chart of gold futures with a candlestick chart of gold below itjust for context. In some cases stop activity is the start of a move, not the end So you must be prudent when fading stops activity. A more advanced way to qualify stop activity is to use a point and figure periodicity as your chart interval for volume imbalance footprint charts settings below Use what reversal criteria you find works well for you market. The pattern to watch for is 1 stops getting triggered and then 2 a bouncing chop pattern on the chart These bars will print onto the chart extremely fast and represent lack of liquidity as the market digests the triggered stops and liquidity fills back into the market. In observing this pattern many times, it is the combination of stops being triggered and the lack of liquidity that often signal capitulation and produce and opposite response reversalbining Market Profile with the Footprint Chart. Earlier today MarketDelta tweeted out a Market Profile chart bringing attention to the market open of the past 7 days The chart is shown in the tweet below and proved to be a very timely tweet for anyone following marketdelta. The high of the has mostly been established in the first hour of trading for ESF for the past 7 days marketprofile pic twitter AKdOx5rxud. MarketDelta marketdelta January 13, 2014.When the tweet was posted it was still within the first 60 minutes of trading and plenty of time to take a short position and risk 3 or so points Take a look at the 15 minute candle chart at the bottom showing what ended up occurring. Fibonacci Retracements Footprint Confirmation. A popular way to use a Footprint chart is for confirmation of support or resistance levels Fibonacci retracements offer solid areas for support or resistance that markets will often test during pullbacks. Below I have included a regular candlestick chart with the fibonacci retracement applied to the big down move in the ES yesterday afternoon I took the high of the bar prior to the move and the low of the bar that ended the move This is the most common way of apply fib retracements The retracements are automatically drawn on the chart. This next screenshot shows how to validate a potential reversal from this known 50 retracement level This is the same fibonacci retracement , I just changed the chart from a candle chart to a bid ask Footprint chart and also changed it to a 4 tick range periodicity. While this level may not always hold, it does provide a known target for traders and will often yield some sort of profit taking level for those who were fortunate enough to get long near the lows Traders partially exiting or fully exiting a long will often put pressure on the market and cause a pause in the move up. Because Footprint charts provide intra-bar information like volume and order flow, it makes it easy to see when profit taking begins to occur. Besides just the longs exiting positions, the 50 retracement level can also serve as a spot for aggressive shorts to establish a position for a retest of the low or for just a good scalp. Unfinished Business New Feature. The beta version of MarketDelta that recently came out has a cool new technical indicator they call the Multiple Price Highlighter You can read all the details here but what I wanted to show off today is a setting they call unfinished business. I have heard JP of JPJ Trading call this out in his trading room, but now it has been actually coded up and included in the software JP uses, MarketDelta. My simple laymans definition of unfinished business is a price where I expect the market to return Thats it According to MarketDelta, unfinished business is a price extreme within a bar the hi, lo, or both which shows buy AND sell volume This is best understood if looking at a bid ask Footprint, so click on the chart below. Notice how the marked prices have BOTH buy and sell volume at that price The idea behind this pattern is there was enough interest by both the buyers and sellers to create prints at these prices. In looking over this indicator, there are a few patterns I have noticed that are important to note Dont assume each time you see a red or green do that a price will be revisited Use these rules as guidelines then tweek to your trading preferences. Bars that have a higher high t han previous bar and have unfinished business, look for a retest or higher high in the future. If a bar has unfinished business at both its high and low, ask yourself what the current trend is If trending higher, put your attention on the unfinished business at the high. The example below shows a trending market with unfinished business on each bar that put in a higher high, EXCEPT for the last bar which reversed market direction and did NOT have unfinished business. Here were my settings. Scalping Strategy Sweeping the Book. Before I begin, this is a Footprint strategy intended for scalpers It is aggressive, but if used when the market is approaching a predetermined level, it can be a very powerful confirmation tool and provide unbelievable timing to trades. THE SETUP The market has been in a short term trend up or down After trending for a period of time there is a sweeping of the order book The moment this occurs or there is a counter reaction in the opposite direction, go with it The mar ket has probably reversed in the short term and the sweeping of the order book pattern is evidence of the last person to get in for that move. If you are not familiar with what sweeping of the order book is, it occurs when a large buyer or seller places a large market order and takes out a bunch of resting orders at multiple prices This can also occur if a stop order get triggered A Footprint chart captures this information by showing all the volume on one side, either bid side or ask side. REQUIRED TOOLS To spot this pattern a Footprint chart is required The reason for this is the history of the trading is immediately captured and displayed A DOM depth of market just doesnt cut it Everything fills in so quickly and there is no way to tell really how much traded The screenshots below are of MarketDelta Trader the new trading interface by MarketDelta MarketDeltas native Footprint chart will work as well, but having this information coupled with the trading DOM and the fact you need to rea ct quickly to these opportunities makes MarketDelta Trader a little better suited for this particular strategy. Here is another example that occurred while typing this post I was able to get long at 1222 50 and the market immediately moved in my favor and took out my profit target in the move higher One of the benefits of this pattern is the risk reward Stops should be pretty tight. Please comment if you have any questions I would be happy to provide additional insight based on your questions. How Casinos Make Money. By Al Moe Casino Gambling Expert. Al W Moe was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and introduced to the casinos of Nevada at the age of eleven At the time he had never seen such an amazing array of sights, sounds, and exciting games His excitement over gambling hasnt changed since that first introduction, but his knowledge of the games certainly has Read more. Casinos make a profit by offering games of chance where the average payouts are lower than the income produced by the overall wage rs Exactly how this is accomplished and the terms used in producing casino records and income are explained below. Continue Reading Below. At a game like craps all of the bets made on a table contribute to the handle, whether the bets win or lose, are made with cash or chips, and are paid even money for bets like the pass line or 30-1 for bets like two and 12.Players often confuse the handle total bets with the drop For a casino, the drop is the money or credit exchanged for chips At a game like blackjack the total drop is what is found in the metal drop box attached to the table that all bills and markers credit slips are dropped in to. On occasion the term handle is used interchangeably with the term drop. The statistical advantage that the casino has on each game, and each bet, is called the house edge This theoretical advantage the casino holds over the player on any single bet is what makes the game gambling for the outcome is unknown, and regardless of who holds the edge, either part y may win at any one time. For the bottom line, the casino win is the net dollars retained by the casino after all bets are paid This can be a negative amount - any time the players win more than the casino holds. Continue Reading Below. The hold percentage is the relationship of the casino win to the drop. If a slot machine has 100 inserted into it during a day and pays out 80, the casino win is 20 However, the hold percentage is based on total bets If it is a 1 per spin machine and the machine recorded 1000 spins, then 1000 was wagered Winning a total of 20 means the hold percentage is just 20 1000 or 2 100 which is 2-percent. Explaining the Hold Percentage. The hold percentage is better explained on a roulette table with a zero and double zero - the typical American wheel On this game the casino has a house edge of 5 26 percent However, at the end of a shift, the game is likely to win close to 20 percent of the drop For every 100 in the drop box, the house will likely have a hold percenta ge of 20 percent This is because a player is likely to make many bets over and over, each time against a house edge of 5 26 percent They win some, they lose some, and eventually lose what they were willing to risk on this particular table. Factors Influencing Casino Handle. The most important influence on casino handle is what is referred to as time on device Regardless of what is bet, if there are no players, there is no handle and no profit Casinos maximize their income when they find ways to increase not just their house edge, but the average bet AND the amount of time each gaming device table spot or slot machine is in action. As a business model, the overall handle is a product of capacity of use, game speed, and average bet This is why all players club comps are based on your average bet and the hours played, not on how much you win or lose. A casino with 1000 slot machines is only successful if they are in constant use However, the utilization of game space and betting minimums at t able games can be deceiving This is why it is rare to see a blackjack game with a low 2 or 5 minimum, even if players are wandering around wanting to play that amount while there are several 25 tables with no players. This phenomenon is best explained by the math produced for expected win per hour at a blackjack table With six players betting 2 per hand, a dealer can get out 375 hands to the players The total wagers excluding double downs and splits will equal 750 and the house expects to win 2 percent, or 15 However, just a single player at a 25 table will produce 4125 in bets per hour where the house expects to win 2 percent and a total of 82.Obviously the 25 game will be dead at times, but that single player easily makes up the difference, and if all the tables have low limits and there are no seats available for the big better then the house is losing out. So, some decisions at your local casino are made for player comfort to extend the amount of time played, and some decisions are m ade simply based on casino income, as with any business The above example also probably illustrates pretty well why a 5 blackjack player can only expect to earn about 30-cents per hour in comp value from their play. The casino expects the player to get 60 hands per hour, so their total bets per hour equals 120 Using the same 2 percent house edge, the casino will retain about 2 40 from their play Giving back 30-cents equals a comp value of 12 5 percent, which is pretty good Most casinos hold the line between 10 and 15 percent. Trading against professional forex traders using round numbers. Forex professionals banks and market makers act as counterparts to the trades made by home-based traders you and me They sometimes have to quote prices artificially, which is not a problem for them because most of the time they can cover themselves on the interbank market However, during periods of low volatility, individual forex traders can take the upper hand over professionals traders Following a sig nificant daily movement, the price of a currency pair may reach a critical threshold where the movement loses strength and bounces several times These price thresholds are often close to a psychologically important round number For example, following a rise in prices, some traders will initiate short positions near the round number and place their stops above it, as they believe that the currency is over-bought At this time, the professionals will want to hunt down these traders stops, the price will break the round number, the traders stops will be hit and the exchange rate will return to the round number. On the interbank market, it is difficult to trade these price levels, because the raids on stops by professionals causes a widening of the spread, especially on the ask side Individual traders can make money thanks to their fixed-spread broker, who will execute the sell order above the round number The fixed-spread broker is then required to create a market that does not exist on the interbank market In this particular trading configuration, the non-professional trader has an advantage over the professionals, because he finds a counterpart that the professionals cannot find on the interbank market. The trading configuration. Initially, we must find a directional market that is over-bought and near a round number Professionals will hunt short sellers stops above this price level If the stops are triggered, the price will return below the resistance level. Sale of 1 lot at a round number 1 3200.Sale of 2 lots 5 pips above this number at 1 3205.Sale of 3 lots 10 pips above at 1 3210.Stops for all 3 orders 20 pips above the round number price 1 3220.Profits are taken 5 pips at 1 3195 for 2 3 of the overall position. The last third of the overall position can be kept to take advantage of a bearish movement. If the trade does not work out quickly, this indicates that price is supported by real demand and not by stop hunting by professionals In this case, it is best to exit t he trade This trading configuration works with all round numbers 1 3000, 1 3100,1 3200 etc , but the probability of success is higher after a strong daily move. Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program Review. The Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program is supposed to supply the actual derivatives evaluation part of the actual CFA programs, and it is meant to connect the useful danger administration method of derivatives for that expense generalist. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE. The exchange usually is much like a good contract to purchase in a long term day, having to pay a set quantity as well as getting some thing associated with unfamiliar long term worth The most typical utilization of the exchange is really a scenario when a company, presently credit in a flying price, makes its way into right into a exchange which commits this in order to producing a number of curiosity obligations towards the exchange counter-top celebration in a set price, whilst getting obligations in the exchange counter-top celebration for a price associated with the actual flying price where its producing mortgage obligations The actual flying elements cancel, developing a transformation from the unique floating-rate mortgage to some fixed-rate mortgage As well as onto it will go, along with plenty of fine detail upon valuing as well as utilization of derivatives. Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program Review. The Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program is supposed to supply the actual derivatives evaluation part of the actual CFA programs, and it is meant to connect the useful danger administration method of derivatives for that expense generalist. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE. The exchange usually is much like a good contract to purchase in a long term day, having to pay a set quantity as well as getting some thing associated with unfamiliar long term worth The most typical utilization of the exchange is rea lly a scenario when a company, presently credit in a flying price, makes its way into right into a exchange which commits this in order to producing a number of curiosity obligations towards the exchange counter-top celebration in a set price, whilst getting obligations in the exchange counter-top celebration for a price associated with the actual flying price where its producing mortgage obligations The actual flying elements cancel, developing a transformation from the unique floating-rate mortgage to some fixed-rate mortgage As well as onto it will go, along with plenty of fine detail upon valuing as well as utilization of derivatives. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Course. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Course. English WMV WMV3 406 kbps 25 fps 1024x768 WMAV 16 kbps 16 KHz 3,53 GB. Nothing can surpass the experience of watching in real time as a master trader navigates the markets and explains risk and reward opportunities from entry to exit This stock trading co urse is like a graduate version of our Professional Trader course approximately 40 of the sessions are devoted to skill-building and 60 to trading and analysis in a live market environment XLT - Stock Trading, Level 1 will shorten the learning curve of the new trader as well as sharpen the skills of the experienced market speculator. What youll learn. Specific strategies for intraday trading and swing and position trading. Using trading support tools to understand where the market is going. How to scan the market for low risk high reward opportunities. How to trade specific setups and order flow during a variety of market conditions in order to fine-tune your timing. About Online Trading Academys XLT Instructors. Our XLT instructors are seasoned industry veterans with over 55 years of combined experience in the markets They re also gifted educators who are able to teach the advanced curriculum of the XLT program in an online classroom environment. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Cou rse. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Course. English WMV WMV3 406 kbps 25 fps 1024x768 WMAV 16 kbps 16 KHz 3,53 GB. Nothing can surpass the experience of watching in real time as a master trader navigates the markets and explains risk and reward opportunities from entry to exit This stock trading course is like a graduate version of our Professional Trader course approximately 40 of the sessions are devoted to skill-building and 60 to trading and analysis in a live market environment XLT - Stock Trading, Level 1 will shorten the learning curve of the new trader as well as sharpen the skills of the experienced market speculator. What you ll learn. Specific strategies for intraday trading and swing and position trading. Using trading support tools to understand where the market is going. How to scan the market for low risk high reward opportunities. How to trade specific setups and order flow during a variety of market conditions in order to fine-tune your timing. About Online Trading Academy s XLT Instructors. Our XLT instructors are seasoned industry veterans with over 55 years of combined experience in the markets They re also gifted educators who are able to teach the advanced curriculum of the XLT program in an online classroom environment. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Course. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Course. English WMV WMV3 406 kbps 25 fps 1024x768 WMAV 16 kbps 16 KHz 3,53 GB. Nothing can surpass the experience of watching in real time as a master trader navigates the markets and explains risk and reward opportunities from entry to exit This stock trading course is like a graduate version of our Professional Trader course approximately 40 of the sessions are devoted to skill-building and 60 to trading and analysis in a live market environment XLT - Stock Trading, Level 1 will shorten the learning curve of the new trader as well as sharpen the skills of the experienced market speculator. What you ll learn. Specific strategies for intra day trading and swing and position trading. Using trading support tools to understand where the market is going. How to scan the market for low risk high reward opportunities. How to trade specific setups and order flow during a variety of market conditions in order to fine-tune your timing. About Online Trading Academy s XLT Instructors. Our XLT instructors are seasoned industry veterans with over 55 years of combined experience in the markets They re also gifted educators who are able to teach the advanced curriculum of the XLT program in an online classroom environment. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Course. Online Trading Academy - XLT-Stock Trading Course. WMV English wmav2, 16000 Hz 1024x768 2 25 GB. Genre Video Traning. Nothing can surpass the experience of watching in real time as a master trader navigates the markets and explains risk and reward opportunities from entry to exit This stock trading course is like a graduate version of our Professional Trader coursei approximat ely 40 of the sessions are devoted to skill-building and 60 to trading and analysis in a live market environment XLT - Stock Trading, Level 1 will shorten the learning curve of the new trader as well as sharpen the skills of the experienced market speculator As an added value, you will receive a FREE one-year subscription to Pro Picks i Stocks a 2400 value. XLT - Stock Trading 7,500 for the first 3 months and 625 month each month thereafter OR 11,500 for the first three months and the ability to retake this class for life. Prerequisite Professional Trader Part 1 and Part 2.What youi ll learn. Specific strategies for intraday trading and swing and position trading. Using trading support tools to understand where the market is going. How to scan the market for low risk high reward opportunities. How to trade specific setups and order flow during a variety of market conditions in order to fine-tune your timing. Our XLT instructors are seasoned industry veterans with over 55 years of combined exp erience in the markets Theyre also gifted educators who are able to teach the advanced curriculum of the XLT program in an online classroom environment. Buy premium account for maximum speed and resumming ability. Opting for Options Trading CD 1.Get Your Head in the Game of Options. Get introduced to the flexible world of Options trading Options trading means choices Options trading gives you the power to enhance your equity positions or options can be traded solo We will teach you all aspects of the Options trading world using the latest tools and software You will learn how the professional traders hunt, find and evaluate the best Options Strategy with the least risk You will learn the professional side of options and learn to make money You will understand the difference in directional plays, spreads and hedges Learn to trade with discipline, a plan and the latest technical tools. Topics covered include. Risk Profiling and Options Valuations. Introduction to the Greeks. and much, much more. Psychology rules the Markets Learn how psychology moves the masses and how understanding that enables you to predict market moves Then put it to work w ith what Mike Mc Mahon teaches you on this CD. Exercise your Options CD 2-Understanding The Greeks. Get the Real Story Behind the Greek Letters and How They Affect Options. Shakespeare wrote, in Julius Caesar , the line It is Greek to Me Thus, anything Greek has become a cliche of confusion or lack of understanding This course takes you deep into the world of Option Sensitivites - The Greeks - which at first blush do seem confusing But, in order to succeed at options, you need to understand the risks and rewards as as your option position matures You need to be able to select the right Strike Price and the right Option Premium to maximize your profits and to minimize your losses Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega and Rho - all Greek Letters - but all with tremendous impact on the performance of your position. So what exactly are the Greeks. They are individual measurements of option risk sensitivities Having a comprehensive understanding of what the Greek calculations represent, as well as how each individual Greek affects an option s price is fundamental to truly understanding why options behave in the way that they do Armed with this knowledge you will have a deeper understanding of risk, and in turn this will allow you to structure more intelligent option positions This will thus have a powerful effect on the profitability of your trading. Delta - Are you going in a direction or do you wish to be Delta Neutral, unsure of which way the market is going Yes, you can make money in either direction but also in flat markets. Gamma - Adjust to changing effects of the underlying stock or asset in correlation with the overall market. Theta - Time can work for you or against you - or you can learn how to neutralize it. Vega - also known as Kappa Learn to measure a position s volatility - both Historical and Implied Volatility These help answer a lot of questions on what strategy to use in specific times. Rho - Yes, interest rates do affect Option Premiums - learn when to use it to your advan tage. Take the test at the end of the course and see what you have learned Options are only difficult because traders do not have enough education in these sensitivities Put another arrow in your quiver - Learn the Greeks today. Options 3 CD-Advanced Concepts-Mastering Volatility. Learn How to Deal with Option Volatility. In order to master options and profit by them as much as possible, you must learn how to deal with Option Volatility Mathematically, it is the square root of the variance Sounds confusing, but don t worry Once you take this course, you will not only understand it, but you will routinely choose the best option trades for maximum profit. Volatility in options trading is simply the most important aspect when calculating a high probability profit Volatility can be used in explosive markets and be incredibly profitable in quiet times. If you trade options, you need to get the spreads In this course we outline their uses, abuses, risks and selection criteria in a simple, straight forward manner. Learn the differences between Straddles and Strangles Is a Long Butterfly better than a Short Condor Perhaps you are not sure which way a stock price will go but expect it to move on earnings - should you choose a Vertical Spread or a Calendar Spread You will know when you complete this course. We will cover in depth. Straddles - Long Short. Strangles - Long Short. Ratio Back spreads - Long Short. Ratio Vertical Spreads - Long Short. Butterfly Spreads - Long Short. Condor Spreads - Long short. Calendar Spreads, aka Horizontal or Time Spreads - Long Short. Diagonal Spreads - Long Short. Order this course today and take control of your options trading for good These are advanced concepts for those of you who have been in options directionally but want more more control of risk, more profitability, more control over time This course is for you. Technical Analysis 1 for the Professional Trader CD. Learn the Charting Secrets the Pros Use. Technical Analysis offers many insights into how t he market works You will benefit greatly from a good foundation in each type of insight and, perhaps, a specialty in one or two This course is designed to teach you classic Technical Analysis and form a rock solid decision support program, the foundation for everyone when it comes to trading. You will learn to use charts and technical indicators in a clear, simple and concise manner to improve your trade entries and exits Mike Mc Mahon will take you through the steps to creating high probability trades, using Charts, Trend lines, Support Resistance and combining them so you have a clear picture of price, time, volume and the market expectations. When you are done with this course, you will know how to. Read charts the way professional traders do. Determine support and resistance and how it will affect your trading. Use trend lines to predict better trade exit points. Increase the probability of creating profitable trades, each and every time you hit the order button. Technical Analysis 2 for the Professional Trader CD. Further Refine Your Ability to Use SR lines, Trend lines, Candlesticks, Continuation Patterns and More. This continuation of Technical Analysis for the Professional Trader is an in-depth study and usage of. You will learn different methods of how to combine these analyzers to clearly show Entry and Exit positions for high probability trades. This course assumes you have a basic understanding of Technical Analysis and is specifically aimed at showing you How To rather than explanations and definitions There are four internal hands-on demonstration movies The fourth is an exercise in the Hard Right Edge Decisions you need to make Whether you are an intraday Trader or a Swing Trader, this course is designed to show you proper use of Technical Analysis without the hype. Technical Analysis 3 for the Professional Trader CD. Learn the Technical Indication Secrets the Pros Use - Part 3.Technical Analysis offers many insights into how the market works You will benefit grea tly from a good foundation in each type of insight and, perhaps, a specialty in one or two This course is designed to teach you classic Technical Analysis and form a rock solid decision support program, the foundation for everyone when it comes to trading In this continuing series of Technical Analysis the focus shifts to the mathematical derivatives of a price and volume over time In this course, you will learn how to truly understand and use Indicators for what they were designed for Topics such as MACD, Stochastics, RSI and CCI are shown, explained and then demonstrated in live circumstances These are the momentum indications We then look at Linear Regression and Bollinger Bands from a probability predictor to a volatility predictor. In Part 3, You will learn to use Technical Indicators We will explore their proper use and evaluation and dispel many of the bad beliefs many have been given by the guru s We look at a variety of Oscillators MACD, RSI, Stochastics and Momentum Indicators CCI, ROC , as well as a Volatility indication, such as Average True Range ATR and Bollionger Bands We show you which are the right combo s as opposed to having your screen loaded with squiggly We discuss in depth the true nature of the Indicators - how they work, why they work or do not, when to use them and when to lose them There is plenty of use in Technical Indications, but too many do not really use them correctly Come on - get on the right side of the trade All of this is done in a clear, simple and concise manner to improve your trade entries and exits Mike Mc Mahon will take you through the steps to creating high probability trades, using Chart Analysis, Technical Indication with Trend lines, Support Resistance in combination so you have a clear picture of price, time, volume and the market expectations. When you are done with this course, you will know how to. Interpret Technical Indication like a Pro. Understand the differences between the Oscillators and when and when not to u se them. Determine probability with Linear Regression and ATR. Learn to see Sentiment shifts with CCI and ROC. See it done live real time video s embedded - work the Hard Right Edge right along with the Instructor. Learn to over come the TA Traps of the Holy Grail syndrome and the Paralysis from Analysis disease This is a practical, useful way to learn and use these very important tools. Fibonacci CD-with Mike Mc Mahon. Learn how to use Retracement, Extension and Projection Analysis to maximize your profits and tightly control the losses. Fibonacci numbers and ratios point to specific turning points in the markets movements Mike Mc Mahon will take you through this fascinating study, one step at a time Fibonacci works on trends, gaps, intraday and interday price movements. This CD course features a comprehensive online test with follow-up by one of Online Trading Academy s staff to discuss your progress with these concepts Continue to learn and profit. Stress Management CD. Defeat the Hidden Kill er and be a Healthy and Profitable Trader. Does your stomach knot up as your approach your trading station Are your tension headaches reducing your ability to focus on the trade at hand Do you feel sure you could trade better if only you could relax while trading Take a deep breath and order this excellent CD. You already know that trading is stressful what you do not know is the price you pay Spend a little time with Mike Mc Mahon as he teaches you why trading is a mind game, its mental and physical consequences - and most importantly, simple routines and rules you can use to control your mind and make you a more balanced, successful and happy trader. There is more to stress than meets the eye Do not let fear control your life - take this course and control one of your most valuable trading assets - your mind. More Info tradingacademy OTA-CAT-CDBUNDLE CD-OPTIONSSET-30 Professional-Options-Trader-Library htm. Russel Sands - The Original Turtle Trading Rules. Russel Sands - The Original Turtl e Trading Rules.707 kb s 656x496 Duration 01 58 52 English MP3, 128 kb s 2 ch 698 MB. No doubt you ve heard of the huge profits made by the Turtle Trading System Created by Richard Dennis, after he cashed in for millions, the system is a collection of simple tactics and rules that, when combined, create magic Dennis believed that anyone could trade this system for huge profits, even if they had never before traded To prove his point, he recruited 24 traders, the original Turtle Traders, and taught them his secrets The result these two dozen traders have generated over one billion in profits. 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Financial Engineering Options Trading Strategies. Financial engineering refers to the development of pricing methodologies and hedging techniques underlying financial derivative products There are various ways financial engineering techniques and combined derivatives products can be used with regards to options trading strategies. What is Financial Engineering. Financial engineering refers to the development of pricing methodologies and hedging techniques underlying financial derivative products It has led to the rise of derivative trading by expanding options trading strategies. One aspect that leverages the power of derivative products in a simple, elegant fashion is the combination of existing derivative products through various options trading strategies Lets consider a few of these different combination products that can contain vanilla products, exotic products products from different asset classes, etc For simplicitys sake, all of the following examples will use foreign exchange as the asset class It is just as easy to extend this to equities fixed income or commodities The actual strikes involved are contrived in order to demonstrate the behavioral characteristics of the products in question. Aspects and Examples of Options Trading Strategies. Lets consider an example in which spot USD JPY i e the number of Japanese Yen per 1 US dollar is at 115 The month is February Through analysis, we have come to believe that spot USD JPY is ready for a breakout in the month of April, following the Japanese fiscal year-end Or, at least, spot USD JPY could be in for some real volatil ity This is predicated on the view that Japanese corporations and investors, having placed money offshore to take advantage of better investment opportunities abroad, will repatriate these funds for fiscal year-end only to send them offshore again after closing the books We also know that the U S trade representative is conducting a review of improvements to Japanese trading practices and that she will present this report to Congress in early March This report is likely to highlight tensions relating to the burgeoning U S trade imbalance with Japan and the rest of the world. Spot USD JPY could follow a roller-coaster over the next few months going much lower before going much higher If we buy an at-the-money - spot 115 USD Call Japanese Yen Put and we simultaneously buy an at-the-money - spot 115 USD Put Japanese Yen Call on the same notional amount of US 10 million and for the same expiry date of May 1, we have purchased a straddle on the USD JPY. Instead of purchasing options with the same expiry date, notional amount and strike, we could have varied our options trading strategies by buying two out-of-the-money options For example, we could have purchased simultaneously a May 1 130 USD Call JPY Put and a May 1 100 USD Put JPY Call Compared to the straddle, this strategy is cheaper, although we have to be careful when we are hedging the delta around the expiry so that we are not left with a cash position that is unlikely to make money For example, let us suppose that at expiry, spot is at 122 and from our delta hedging activities we are short U S dollars against Japanese Yen We must be sure to close out this position as soon as the options are expired if we do not have a firm view that the U S dollar will weaken. Before reading this lesson, you should have previously read through. SAR stands for stop and reverse and it is a trend following indicator, designed to identify the turning point in price action. SAR stands for stop and reverse and it is used to identify the tu rning point, or reversal, of a trend It is shown on a chart by a series of small dots If the dots are above the price, then the trend is likely to be down if the dots are below the price, the trend is likely to be up. The parabolic SAR is shown on the charts as a series of small dots that are placed either above or below the price When the price is trending to the upside the dots are below the price action and when the price is trending to the downside the dots are above the price action. As the price move comes to an end, the parabolic SAR moves steadily closer to the price until the price ends up touching the dots - the SAR then begins to form on the other side of the price, indicating that the price is changing direction. The Parabolic SAR can be used effectively for. Determining the trend. Entry and exiting trades. The chart below demonstrates the parabolic SAR indicating and then tracking an uptrend. HOW THE PARABOLIC SAR CAN BE USED AS A TRAILING STOP. The parabolic SAR stop reverse can be used in a similar way as the volatility stop. One way to use it as a trailing stop is to keep your initial stop in place until price moves sufficiently away from the breakout area this part is discretionary based on the chart pattern and price movement and then adjust your profit exit underneath the indicator. Another way, is to simply just use it as the original stop, which in the example below would of worked just fine Though, I think you ll find, in most trades it s better to use chart patterns or price structure to set an initial stop. However, in this particular case, the SAR would ve given a slightly better exit I m not saying either one is a better trailing stop I simply wanted to point out that difference. As with other exit methods this indicator will offer great trading moments and other times you ll promise yourself you ll never use it again One of the themes of this website is diversification Diversify your entries, diversify your exits Personally I like other methods better than this one, but to each his own. Here s another example of this indicator as a trailing stop when it s working really well. Financial traders who adhere to faiths which prohibit the use of interest or usury are flocking to the vibrant FX markets as brokers continue to enhance their product offerings, in order to welcome the trading style Forex Magnates has learned that currency brokers have seen an influx of traders enter the FX trading arena as participants are allowed to practise their faith, yet trade at the same time. There is a rise in client numbers for users looking for swap-free accounts holding membership of the Islamic faith group, who were previously shunned due to the threat of overnight swaps arbitrage and difficulties in managing client order flow by providers. A spokesperson for Pepperstone, an Australian-based broker explains We have always have had a demand for Islamic accounts but due to the complexity of designing it within MT4 we had not introduced it. Furthermore, t he formidable carry trade has been behind the earnings of swaps on certain high yielding currencies, a notion that was exploited through the use of swap-free accounts However, technology vendors who support the development of retail brokers have bounced back with a solution that kills two birds with one stone. Advancements in technology have enabled plugins that sit on top of the core trading platform to enhance the terminal, giving the ability to charge a set fee depending on the brokers conditions that compensates the required overnight swap charge, similar to a commission charge yet at the same time allow genuine religious investors to fulfil their religious obligations. Ori Hazan, VP of Customer Success at Panda Trading Systems, commented about the firms role in developing solutions for brokers We have been working on a number of projects relating to rectifying the numerous issues brokers face when offering swap-free accounts, our solution, that is live in the market, enables brokers to manage their operations effectively. Panda Trading Systems, a leading provider of technology solutions to financial services firms, has enhanced a core plugin in its inventory enabling a flexible amount to be charged on clients accounts, furthermore the charge can be applied to certain crosses Add-ons, such as the automatic charge plugin, enable brokers to onboard clients who require swap-free accounts, however they now remain confident that if traders misuse the trading account, the broker will not end up in difficulty The charge prevents brokers lying flat on their feet due to traders adopting an arbitrage strategy and collecting income through swap rates. Pepperstone has been using the plugin developed by Panda, their representative added What we have found is that there has been a huge increase in accounts coming from Islamic traders since we introduced the account type. Swap-free accounts have been available to traders since the e-trading phenomena in the retail FX market took sh ape, however due to various factors affecting the way the product can be managed effectively, brokers have been vigilant in the way they provide the offering. Jaswinder Kaler, a financial services professional from India, argues that the rise in swap-free traders isnt only due to available technology, he explained to Forex Magnates Forex trading is ever evolving, both from the client and broker side, I believe a number of new FX brokers have entered the space and naturally require solutions to service this segment, all eyes are on Asia where a significant population of Muslim investors abode. FX Trading Muslim Traders. FX trading has positioned itself as a common investment tool among people of the Islamic faith residing in emerging market countries, the global nature of FX broking has meant that investors from across the world can participate and access the worlds most liquid asset class through having an internet connection FX trading is popular in countries with a majority of residents who classify themselves as Muslim, including, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia MENA. The popularity of FX trading in Malaysia triggered a witch-hunt by leaders of the Islamic faith who deemed the investment approach as inconsistent with religious teachings, the National Fatwa Council issued a notification on the matter after carrying out research. FX trading is questioned by religious scholars as it opens up the usury and speculative discussion points, both aspects debatable in the religion. The availability of swap-free accounts is promising for traders in emerging market countries with sizeable Muslim populations. However, Arek Okrasa, Chief-analyst at London-Trader, a UK-based training consultancy firm, sees opportunities for his vast British-Muslim students who are looking for trading accounts that meet their spiritual requirements.
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