Friday, 7 July 2017

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Namun sementara itu, komunitas modding Minecraft telah mengisi kekosongan itu. Risugami's ModLoader termasuk yang tertua dan sebelumnya merupakan salah satu API mod yang paling populer, walaupun sejak kehilangan sebagian besar popularitasnya ke Minecraft Forge, hal itu telah dihentikan sejak 1 6 2 versi dan 1 6 2 bugfix oleh Acomputerdog Ini memuat file kelas mod di setiap file versi minecraft Sebelum 1 6 dan file kelas ModLoaderMP dimuat dalam file lama di folder bin lama Forge dan FML digunakan untuk memuat kelas mod File sebelum 1 5, tapi di 1 5 itu mulai memuat dan mods di folder baru yang disebut mods ModLoader dan ModloaderMP harus diinstal secara manual dengan menambahkan kelas ke file versi Forge dan FML. Diinstal dengan cara yang sama sampai 1 5 di mana mereka memiliki installer yang memasangnya di folder perpustakaan Modloader telah ada sejak salah satu versi pengujian alpha pertama dari minecraft Pencipta modloader ini disebut Risugami ModLoader yang hanya bekerja untuk Clientide ModLoader dapat didownload Disini ModLoader kompatibel dengan Forge dan ModLoaderMP Mods untuk modloader ini adalah java classes. ModLoaderMP telah ada sejak versi awal pengujian beta, namun pengembangan dihentikan dalam 1 3 2 tersedia sebagai clientide dan serverside Pencipta ModLoader ini. Dikenal sebagai ScottyDoesKnow SDK ModLoaderMP kompatibel dengan Forge dan ModLoader Mods untuk modloader ini adalah java classes. FML Forge ModLoader pada dasarnya hanya Forge, tapi tanpa Forge API dan hanya modloader FML juga kompatibel dengan ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, LiteLoader dan M3L dan melakukan hal yang sama FML mendukung mods kecil, namun Forge mendukung mods kecil dan Mods besar Lex Manos mengembangkan FML dan FML Forge dapat didownload di sini FML adalah open source dan repositori dapat diakses dari sini FML telah dirilis secara terpisah ke Forge sejak 1 1 Modus untuk modloader ini digunakan untuk kelas java, tapi sekarang Dan file FML bekerja untuk clientide dan serverside. Minecraft Forge kompatibel dengan ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, LiteLoader dan M3L dan juga menambahkan ratusan metode, kelas, dan utilitas tambahan untuk membantu penulis mod. Ini menambahkan folder mods dan dilengkapi dengan installer. Ini tersedia baik sebagai sisi klien dan server-side Telah menggantikan Risugami's ModLoader Forge adalah FML bersama dengan Forge Forge Forge telah ada sejak beta 1 7 3 Pencipta Forge dan FML dikenal sebagai Lex Manos Forge dapat menjadi Download disini Forge adalah open source dan repositori dapat diakses dari sini Paket Dukungan Minecraft Forge Documentation ForgeGradle juga open source dan repositori dapat diakses dari sini, Forge Installer ModsL Outputter dan DiscourseForge semua open-source Forge tidak sesuai dengan Java 8 Version 20 yang rusak, namun masalah inkompatibilitas untuk Java Version 20 telah diperbaiki dengan menggunakan mod Modem LegacyJavaFixer untuk modloader ini dulu kelas java, tapi sekarang dan file Forge Tersedia untuk versi beta 1 7 3-rilis resmi 1 8 Old Forge downloads dapat ditemukan disini dan disini LuaForge ada di Python dan Lua dan bersifat open source dan repositori dapat diakses dari sini namun proyek ini tidak lagi dipertahankan. Dan dilestarikan untuk tujuan sejarah saja. LiteLoader adalah modloader ringan yang dirancang untuk memuat LiteLoader kecil dan clientide. Kompatibel dengan Forge dan FML LiteLoader dilengkapi dengan installer LiteLoader yang dibuat oleh Mumfrey LiteLoader dapat didownload di sini dan pengembangan dapat dilakukan. Download disini LiteLoader adalah open-source disini disini dan disini The LiteLoader installer open-source disini dan disini LiteLoader s API disebut Lite Modem API untuk modloader ini adalah file LiteLoader untuk 1 5-1 8 LiteLoader belum serverside yet. BlazeLoader BL adalah penerus Risugami's ModLoader dan menggunakan LiteAPI namun bekerja tanpa LiteLoader karena LiteAPI hadir dengan BlazeLoader juga. Ini adalah modloader untuk 1 6-1 8, tapi hanya demo 1 6 4 yang telah dirilis secara publik. Ini bisa memuat mods besar, tapi hanya tiga mods yang dibuat untuk BlazeLoader TerrainEdit juga open source disini, RealisticStone juga open source disini dan The WikiBook Mod The creator Dari BlazeLoader yang dikenal dengan nama Acomputerdog atau warriordog BlazeLoader adalah open-source disini disini dan disini The BlazeLoader Installer open-source disini dan disini BLVersionLib open-source disini dan disini anda bisa mendownload versi BlazeLoader 1 6 4 Demo 2 disini dan Disini Mods untuk modloader ini adalah zip dan file BlazeLoader hanya tersedia untuk clientside, tapi mungkin akan tersedia untuk serverside di masa depan. Magic Mojo Mod Loader M3L adalah ModLoader yang dirancang untuk memuat mods dan Mengurangi konflik mod, di antaranya bertujuan agar tidak memerlukan coremode yang saling bertentangan, mendukung mods yang sangat besar, mengatur mods Anda dan mengurangi konflik. Hal ini didasarkan pada Forge, dan Anda harus memiliki versi yang direkomendasikan dari Forge API terpasang agar Anda dapat menginstal M3L saat ini, namun pencipta M3L, Cuchaz, pada akhirnya akan menerapkan API M3L sendiri M3L yang dikembangkan pada 1 7, namun telah diluncurkan secara publik dalam pengembangan pengujian beta untuk 1 8 Saat ini hanya Modus Dunia Tinggi yang bekerja dengan M3L M3L dapat didownload di sini M3L adalah open-source disini disini disini disini dan disini Mods untuk modloader ini dan file M3L saat ini hanya bersifat clientside, namun serverside direncanakan akan tersedia di Masa depan. Meddle Mod Loader Meddle Manager adalah TweakClass Mod Loader yang dirancang untuk memodifikasi mudah tweak sederhana ke 1 9 snapshot dan modsnya drag dan drop dan dimuat dari folder meddle di folder instance Anda. Medour mod disebut DynamicMappings digunakan untuk mendukung berjalannya mods dinamis ModLoader ini dibuat oleh FyberOptic Anda dapat menemukan alat ini di sini Meddle adalah sumber terbuka di sini Beberapa modular Medal terbuka di sini dan di sini. MeddleAPI adalah Modul Load Meddle dengan dukungan lebih tinggi. - level mods yang dirancang untuk menambahkan konten ke permainan Untuk menginstal API pemuatan mod ini Anda harus memasang Meddle and DynamicMappings dan Anda harus menarik API ke dalam folder meddle. MeddleAPI terbuka di sini. Minecraft External Modloader ME Adalah modloader yang memuat mods di file kelas secara eksternal tanpa mengganti file kelas apapun Ini adalah program Ini dapat bekerja dengan versi Minecraft Penciptanya MaPePeR Anda dapat mendownload External Modloader disini External Modloader adalah open-source here. Server Plug-in Software. Bukkit adalah server server side-only server yang populer API Bukkit yang didukung oleh Dinnerbone, anggota Mojang Bukkit adalah API, CraftBukkit adalah apa yang Anda instal ke server Anda yang mengimplementasikannya. Bukkit BukkitGUI adalah Antarmuka Pengguna Grafis untuk Bukkit DevBukkit adalah beberapa alat debug untuk pengembang ChatBukkit, ScrapBukkit dan HomeBukkit adalah addons untuk Bukkit ChatBukkit meningkatkan obrolan HomeBukkit meningkatkan bibit Anda HUB ScrapBukkit adalah untuk perintah server DevBukkit adalah gudang plug-in Anda dapat mendownload Bukkit Disini dan disini settingnya disini anda bisa mendownload CraftBukkit disini disini disini sini sini disini disini dan disini Saat ini Bukkit tidak bisa diunduh dari situs resminya dan open source disini disini dan disini ChatBukkit open source disini HomeBukkit disini ScrapBukkit Disini dan DevBukkit disini Untuk lebih lanjut tentang Bukkit klik disini SportBukkit adalah beberapa perbaikan bug yang bisa diunduh disini versi pengujian beta dapat diunduh disini dan ada open source disini Beberapa file open source Bukkit ada disini Daftar kelas java Bukkit Ada di sini. Versi CraftBukkit lainnya sebenarnya menggunakan alternatif Bukkit dan berbasiskan kode sumber Bukkit dapat ditemukan di sini. D sini Ini disebut Wolf-in-a-bukkit. BukkitForge adalah gabungan dari Bukkit dan MinecraftForge untuk 1 5 Ini adalah sumber terbuka di sini Download BukkitForge here. ForgeBukkit adalah hal yang serupa. Macotot seperti Bukkit dan bekerja dengan Bukkit Download itu here here here here here here here and here Some add-ons for Spigot are CheetahSpigot, PaperSpigot and EMC Empire MineCraft All the Spigot Stash projects are here All the Stash repositories are here All the Spigot java classes are here You can download PaperSpigot here Spigot s BungeeChord connects two servers together is open-source here and you can download it here The Spigot API is open-source here and here and the SpigotPatcher is open-source here All Spigot Jenkins projects are here. Sponge is made by the organisation SpongePowered Sponge is available in two flavours SpongeForge a Forge Mod and SpongeVanilla standalone, based on the Vanilla server Sponge is a Plugin API like Bukkit, but it s build with version compatibility in mind, thus Sponge plugins will work on different Minecraft versions without changes SpongeForge is made with Mod compatibility in mind too, it s possible to make a Sponge plugin with Forge additions While inter-version compatibility makes it easier for plugin developers, it puts more pressure on the people updating Sponge SpongeForge can be downloaded here and SpongeVanilla here If you re interested in the Sources, have a look at the SpongePowered Github Repo here The Sponge Documentation here and the Javadocs here are already available too If you re interested in Sponge s Plugin Repo, have a look at Ore There are example Plugins available too, have a look at the Sponge Cookbook The Sponge plug-in, Pore lets Sponge load Bukkit plug-ins You can use SpongeForge on the clientside too. Magma is made by the organisation ObsidianBox, and is what Obsidian is based off of It is open-source here. Obsidian is made by the organisation ObsidianBox ObsidianBox s website is down at the moment, but an archived version is availa ble here Obsidian is open-source here. MCPC is another Bukkit alternative Download MCPC here MCPC is open-source here. Cauldron is the successor to MCPC Download Cauldron here here here here here and here. KCauldron is the successor to Cauldron Download KCauldron here and here Download the older KCauldron Backport versions here KCauldron is open-source here. hMod is another Bukkit alternative Download the old versions here The old versions are open-source on GitHub here and BitBucket here Get the newer hMod, version 2 0, here The hMod 2 0 website is here Here are some hMod 2 0 plug-ins. Other Bukkit alternatives are all listed here. Java tools that have been made by Oracle and Sun Microsystems like JDK will help Also Lex Manos Srg2Source will help rename symbols classes, methods, fields, parameters, and variables in Java source code using mappings Also md-5 s SpecialSource Generator is a automatic generator and renamer of jar obfuscation mappings SpecialSource Jenkins builds are here Special Source is open source here here here and here Cantido s Blacksmith is a Eclipse IDE plugin that helps you make Minecraft Forge Mods The JBPatcher is a classloader which helps patch classes. Decompiling tools help you work with Minecraft s source code, which is not published by Mojang These tools turn compiled, executable, java code into source code. The Minecraft Coder Pack utility MCP is the community-standard tool to both decompile and deobfuscate the Minecraft code, making it much easier to read and modify Some useful tools for MCP are the MCP Mapping Viewer and MCP Class Map Helper MCP is open-source here here here here here and here. FMC Fyddle for MineCraft is a alternative to MCP. General-purpose Java decompilers, such as JD JAD and FernFlower will help you when MCP is not released or unavailable for example, when modding snapshots The best one probably is CFR because it is probably the only Java Decomiler that supports the latest Java version and JavaDevelopmentKit JDK , Java 8 A l ist of Java Decompilers is here Also FernFlower is no longer being updated, but lives on in the AndroChef java decompiler which based most of it s code off FernFlower FernFlower can be downloaded here Also some open-source FernFlower patches found here and here FernFlower is open-source here here here here here here here here here here and here Also I think that the second best decompiler is Procyon which is open source and also supports JDK 8 The main developer for Procyon and the main developer for CFR challenged each other to develop the best java decompiler. An IDE Integrated Development Environment is useful for any nontrivial programming MCP automatically generates project files for use in Eclipse a popular Java IDE The most popular IDE at the moment is Eclipse, but the other two competitors are NetBeans 2nd and IntelliJ 3rd A list of Java IDEs is here Overall Xcode is more popular than IntelliJ, but Xcode is only available on Apple Computers. JBoss Developer is a large and very go od addon for Eclipse. There are a few IDE s made for Minecraft which are open-source here here and herepiling tools turn source code into a high-level, 3rd-5th generation, programming language You can use these for your own mod s source code and or the source code of other mods on GitHub and BitBucket. Javac is the most popular compiler at the moment But the Power J compiler 2nd is very close and used to be more popular These are followed by Jikes 3rd , ECJ Eclipse Compiler for Java 4th and GCJ GNU Compiler for Java 5th A list of Java compilers can be found here and here. ECJ is part of the Eclipse IDE and Power J is part of another IDE. Debugging tools search for issues in the mod s code and help fix them There is a default java debugger called jdb Java DeBugger which comes with JDK. A list of debuggers can be found here and here A comparison of debuggers can be found here. OpenMods has made some debug tools designed for minecraft. Deobfuscation tools help deobfuscate complex obfuscated code and make it easier to understand They can help you understand more about how minecraft works and how other mods work They can be useful when you want to continue an abandoned mod They also let you make the code of your mod easier for other developers to understand so that the development of the mod is finished more quickly Don t confuse these with decompiling tools. MCP deals with deobfuscation as well as compiling. Enigma is a deobfuscation tool made using Procycon. Immibis s BON Bearded Octo Nemesis is a tool that also can be used for deobfuscating Minecraft-related code It is recommended that if you want to deobfuscate using BON and also decompile the code it is recommended that you use the JDGui decompiler if you want to and also it is recommended that you use MCP if you want to BON is open-source here You can download BON here and here. BON2 is being developed here You can download BON2 here. Java deobfuscators for general java coding like JMD Java Multipurpose Deobfuscator and JBO Ja va DeObfuscator are useful too The best java deobfuscator is probably JBO because it has got into stable release, as JMD was in development, only available as open source and development on it has stopped long ago You can still get it and use it if you turn the source code into programming code by compiling JBO is written in the C programming language and is used to decompile the java programming language You can get JBO on SourceForge I recommend you to download non-development versions from here in the binary folder and on GitHub You can get JMD on GitHub and JavaSED. Obfuscation tools help make your code harder for other programmers to read This aids in stopping others from stealing your code and using it in their own mods. General purpose java obfuscators will help make it easier to obfuscate your code so that people can t steal your code The most popular java obfuscator seems to be ProGuard There are two lists of java obfuscators found here and here. The class file assembler called J asmin is used to create java class files to put in a folder This tool creates class files inside your mod s file to put your mod s code in It generates these class files from assembly code and changes them into java code class files. Class file disassemblers such as the default JDK java class file disassembler, javap or the opposite of Jasmin, Jaspar are used to take apart java class filespiler-compilers also known as compiler generators, parser generators or lexer generators generate parsers, lexers, and or compilers Parsers and lexers are parts of a compiler parsers parse input into words , which are then processed by a lexer, which strings them into statements A compiler then takes that and transforms it into another language If you want to create your own custom compiler because none of of the compilers that exist for java suit you or maybe you want to create a compiler designed for minecraft modding and modding tools Compiler-compilers take a set of rules that describe a language, and produce another compiler that compiles that language into machine code A list of lexer generators is available here and a list of parser generators is available here Lexers organise assembly code and source code into high-level 3rd generation java programming language words and parsers organise these words into statements so that they can be understood as java Currently you can t get any lexers that are separate from a compiler for java, but you can generate java lexers using java lexer generators. The JavaParser JP is a program or parser that gets a certain instruction or command or bit of code then it breaks up that item into bits that can be processed by other programming tools or other bits of a compiler It also makes sure that all the code put in is necessary, and it excludes the code that is not needed JavaParser is the only java parser that is not part of a compiler JDK has it s own parser JavaParser was first available on GoogleCode but since GoogleCode has become less popul ar and you can no longer create new projects, it has now moved to GitHub Another Java parser called Multi Core Parser MCP and is open-source here. Java code generators these tools help you generate java code and java source code Codemodel JAXB DMSToolkit and JavaFrontEnd are examples of these. JVMs Java Virtual Machines are runtime environments which you you use so you can run programs, like Minecraft, that run on java from Using different JVMs lets you test those JVMs to see which one is best at running Minecraft with your mod or and other mods A list is here and a comparison here. JVM languages are programming languages built on top of java and another programming language, so that you can code in that other programming language in java files that works when you run files and have the JVM language installed The most well known is Jython the Python programming language in java class files So if you are better at coding in Python than in Java you can code in Jython, but that means that in order to use your mod people need to install Jython A list is here Also Python implementations might also be useful Python scientific libraries might also be useful MayaVi is a Python scientific library not included in the Python scientific library list Java and Python AI networks might also be useful AI on GitHub and SourceForge. Minecraft Mappings are a bunch of code modders create for their mods to support them for a certain Minecraft and MCP version Various Minecraft Mappings can be found here here here here here here here here here here and here. DynamicMappings is a Meddle mod which lets Meddle run dynamic mods DynamicMappings is being developed by FyberOptic and mellamokb DynamicMappings is open-source here and here. Checkmarx is a website that offers various tools from analysing source code to protecting your code by blocking risks to learning how to make your software more secure. Text editors can be used to create mods, but coding using a text editor is super hard The code they show is normally very hard for someone to understand You might be able to understand a few bits of the code, but most of it is illegible to people who are not skilled in reading the code shown Notepad is the default text editor for windows, but Notepad is a better choice for a free editor, especially for coding Another popular text editor is Sublime Text A list of text editors is available here and a comparison here. File archivers such as WinRAR 7-Zip and WinZip are useful for compressing, extracting, copying, deleting, editing, renaming and viewing class files within files zip files rar files and files They give you access to the class files within mods A list of file archivers is available here. Revision control software help you create many separate coding projects, some being open-source, undo and redo various edits, assign issues to yourself and others, share your code with other mod developers and code with mod developers all over the world to help create your mod This kind of sof tware helps you develop code more quickly, share code easily and fix problems One of the most well known out of revision control software is probably Git which was created by Linus Torvalds the creator of the operating system Linux Also the company called Atlassian the creators of BitBucket has created tons of revision control software, the main one being JIRA A list of revision control software is here and a comparison of revision control software is here A list of text editors is here and a comparison here. Continuous integration CI software help mod developers share code easily and integrate code into repositories and when you change code on a computer they can sync it with the repository on the internet They also help test your mod and let other mod developers help you CIs let you easily update your software several times a day CIs also help you combine code together from other repositories A well known CI is Jenkins which is a online software extension to JIRA and is based off of t he Hudson CI tool Bamboo by Atlassian is also another well known CI A list of CIs is available here. File synchronization software help sync files between two different locations on a computer or between two computers When you edit one file the file on the other computer get automatically edited so the files are identical A list of file synchronization software can be found here You can sync mods using this. Disk cloning software help clone files from one hard drive to another hard drive A list of disk cloning software is available here and a comparison here. File sharing applications help share files with other people You can share your mod with other people using these A list is here Pushbullet is a file sharing application not included in this list. File hosting services are an easy way to make your mod publicly available for download or editing on the internet They can let you upload and edit files on the internet, share links with other people and sync files between the internet and o ther computers Some of the most well known file hosting services are Google Drive Dropbox Mediafire and MEGA A list of file hosting services is here 4shared Zoolz Uploaded and are not included in this list There are two main file hosting websites for minecraft mods called CurseForge made by Curse, the company that made this wiki, also you can download but not create CurseForge projects from the Curse website and Planet Minecraft. Crowdfunding websites are websites which you can use to put up your mod and it s ideas and if you raise enough money you can release your mod Some of the most well-known crowdfunding sites are Kickstarter and Patreon A list of crowdfunding sites can be found here and a comparison here. Photo software is a bunch of software to do with photos A list is available here. Photo-sharing Image hosting websites are websites where you can upload and share your photos A well-known photo-sharing website is Imgur A list is available here here and here. Image viewers let you vi ew images on your computer Some of the most well-known are Windows Photo Gallery and Picasa A list is here and here. Image organizers are applications you can use to organize images A list is here and here. Media players can be used to play downloaded videos and audio files Some of the most well-known are Windows Media Player and VLC Media Player A list is available here and here. Video editing software lets you edit video files One of the most well-known of these is Windows Movie Maker A list is here and a comparison can be found here. Video hosting services are tools you can use to upload videos online YouTube is one of the most well-known A list is available here and here and a comparison here. Streaming Media Systems are websites where you can watch videos whilst they are being uploaded A list is available here and a comparison here Minecraft has a button which instantly does Twitch live streaming when pressed one of the F NUMBER 1-12 buttons by default. Video Streaming Aggregators combi ne search results from several streaming media systems and make it easier to find certain video streaming media A list is here. Video converters change the file format of a video A list is here. Many YouTube video to converters exist online Many audio and video reversers exist too. Codecs for text, videos or audio provide encoding and decoding for a text, video or audio file A list is here and a list of video codecs here. A file format is what is used to show which type of file a file is You may want to distribute your mod as different file types so other people with different computers and operating systems can download your mod A list is here and here There are many online and downloadable websites, software and programs that can convert one file format to a different file format. Blog hosting services let you host blogs about yourself, what you do and what kind of mods you make One of the most used blog hosting services is Blogger A list is available here and a comparison here. Backup sof tware help backup, save and rescue files They help make sure you don t lose or corrupt any important files A list is here and a comparison here. Online backup services help backup files online A list is available here. Source code hosting facilities such as GitHub BitBucket Google Code and SourceForge help create open source software and mods online and edit files and share files with programmers around the world The can let you undo and redo edits, make downloadable source code and have compiled software downloads A list is available here JavaSED is for finding java source code There are lots of browser extensions for GitHub and BitBucket as well. Web hosting providers are useful if you want to host a website for your mod A list is here and a comparison here. Web builders help let you create a website The Google URL Builder will also help A list is here You might need to do HTML, CSS and SVG coding to create your website and maybe also code in the programming languages shown here here and here. Social networking sites and forums can be used to have various discussions on your mod The Minecraft Forums are forums that are designed for discussions about Minecraft. URL shorteners create small, redirecting links, that are portable and easy to copy and remember and share on social networking sites and forums The most well known is the Google URL Shortener and the one that gives the shortest links 10 characters is TinyArrows Some URL shorteners with some advertising that comes with their shortened links are and Advertising URL shorteners can be found here URL unshorteners also known as URL expanders turns shortened URL s into normal URLs Some of the URL unshorteners are and You can find all the URL shorteners, unshorteners and expanders here A list of URL shorteners is here and here. Forum creation sites let you create your own forums where people can discuss your mod These are some of these websites and Here is a guide and here is a list. Paste tools such as pastebin are useful for putting up messages and links. Free software project directories give you a place to develop software in repositories A list is available here. Wikia is a website which lets you create wikis about your mod and what it adds into the game and how to use your mod and there are also forums that let people suggest their own ideas to make the mod better A list of sites like Wikia is here. Simplified mod generators such as MCreator and Mod Maker Basic exist for mod authors who don t want to have to write and compile Java code Some of them create poor quality code, and are very limited A online mod generator called McModGen MineCraft Mod Generator lets you generate mods without installing programs Some other ModMakers are ModMaker Pro Alex s ModMaker and Linkseyi s ModMaker MCreator is the most popular Mod Generator, has the most tools, features and options, and is the most up to date makes mods for Minecraft 1 8 You can discuss MCreator related topics on the MCreator forums and the Minecraft Forums MCreator thread. ID fixers are normally forge mods that help make sure mod biome, dimension, item and block IDs don t conflict ID fixers help make your mod s IDs compatible with the IDs of other mods Idfix and Idfix Minus are some of the most well known ID fixers and are available for 1 6 4 Another ID fixer is ID Resolver for 1 5 1-1 6 2 ID Resolver is also open-source on GitHub and is available as a compiled version on GitHub for 1 6 2 ID Resolver needs the mod GuiAPI in order to work ID Status Helper helps by telling you how many id slots have been used and how many there are left ID Status Helper also needs GuiAPI in order to work IDFixer is a ID fixer for 1 7 10 ExtendedMetadata for 1 8 adds more ID slots for you to use Minecraft ID-Helper is a program which shows all the ids and id conflicts IDScanner is a program that searches for conflicts, lets you see the empty ID slots and lets you solve the conflict Item ID Searcher is a program that helps you search through all the i tem IDs The Block ID tool also searches through IDs Minecraft ID Finder lets you select a block or item and get the ID of that block or item Python Minecraft ID Resolver is a program project on GitHub The ID disabler mod called Disallowed is open source on GitHub and can be downloaded here Minecraft ID Search Tool is a program that searches for block and item IDs Block ID Conflict Resolver is a program that resolves block ID conflicts Minecraft Searchable ID List is a program lists all the IDs and is open source MineConf is a program that lets you easily change IDs Minecraft ID List Application lists all the IDs ID Checker is a non-forge and forge mod for 1 0 0 which lets you check for conflicting IDs Minecraft Texture ID Viewer lets you view all the texture ids Minecraft Block To ID Finder can be used to find block IDs Minecraft Item ID Database is a program which shows all the item IDs Minecraft Item-ID Caller helps find the ID of items. Crash report analysers are forge mods that help analyse crash reports and try to find solutions to the problems These can help mod developers find out what problems their mod has and fix those problems The most well known is OpenEye a 1 7 10 mod, which gathers more information on crashes OpenEye needs OpenModsLib in order to work OpenEye was made by OpenMods Minecraft Crash Report Analyser a mod for 1 7 10, helps find the solution to crashes by checking if it knows the solution to that crash, and if it does know the solution it will tell you what the solution is Jenkins builds made by OpenMods. World editing and world generation tools can help you generate or create large and complex structures and copy structures from world to world You could input these structures into MCreator or use the structures to test how you want structures in your mod to be in your mod If you want to create a dimension that is created in a certain way like The Lord of the Rings Mod these tools probably will help The three world editing and world generation tools are MCEdit WorldPainter and WorldEdit World generation plugins can be found here and world editing plugins here Some good world generation and world editing mods are Alternative Terrain Generation Biome Tweaker Climate Control MultiWorld and Painted Biomes. MCEdit lets you copy, create, select, manipulate and delete structures in your world It can also create and export MCEdit schematic files for each structure you create and you can import these to different worlds It is also possible to create schematic mods by adding extra code to the schematic files, and combining the code of various items in minecraft to create new ones A lot of schematic mods use armor stands and item frames for their code These schematic mods are added to world saves You just need to copy the schematic mod world save into your saves folder or import the schematic file into one of your worlds using MCEdit, and the schematic mod is installed These schematic mods can be used serverside and clientside and are technically vanilla since anyone with vanilla minecraft can use them A few of the best schematic mods are this Remote Control Helicopter and this Camp Fire Command and Redstone Schematic Mod You can also use texture packs for you world saves to go with these schematic mods. WorldPainter lets you paint part of a world and a part of a world is generated it that particular way This can be useful for making biomes and dimensions. WorldEdit is like MCEdit, but in-game It also lets you create WorldEdit schematic files WorldEdit is a Forge mod There is a LiteLoader version called the WorldEdit Wrappper of this mod is being updated by the creator of LiteLoader, Mumfrey WorldEdit is also available as a Bukkit plugin WorldEditCUI is a clientside LiteLoader mod made by Mumfrey lets you adjust the selection of shapes and lets you create cubes, rectangles, triangles, spheres, pentagons and other shapes WorldEdit WorldEdit Wrapper and WorldEditCUI are open-source on GitHub A older version of WorldEdit is available with MinecraftEdu There is also a CanaryMod plugin You can also get a hMod plugin. Height mods are useful when you want your mod to generate massive structures above the build limit Add in a line of code that tests to see if a height mod is installed and your mod generates larger structures There are many height mods, but the best ones are cubic chunks mods Normal height mods generate massive vertical chunks the vanilla way which creates tons of lag, but cubic chunks mods split the vertical chunks with horizontal lines and load 16x16 cubic chunks These cubic chunks reduce lag because they are smaller and the game needs to to load less So far three cubic chunks mods have been made Robinton s Cubic Chunks Mod for 1 0 1, Barteks2x s Cubic Chunks Mod for 1 6 2 but it still works on 1 6 4 , and Cuchaz s Tall Worlds Cubic Chunks Mod for 1 8 3 Robinton s Cubic Chunks Mod is a Forge mod, Barteks2x s Cubic Chunks Mod is a vanilla class file installation mod and Cuchaz s Tall Worlds Mod is a M3L mod only M3L mod at the moment made using the Procyon decompiler, Cuchaz s Minecraft Mappings and Cuchaz s Enigma and a bit of MCP , and based off the previous height mods A list of height mods except Barteks2x s Cubic Chunks Mod and Cuchaz s Tall Worlds Cubic Chunks Mod is available here Dynamic Height is downloadable from here. Boardwalk is an app you can get on android device which lets you play the Desktop Edition of Minecraft on Android mobile devices Currently it is in a heavy Work In Progress stage of its development. MCPatcher is a tool that helps patch and fix texture errors and issues. Graphics Software can be used to view and create 2D and 3D images and models A list is available here.3D modeling and texture tools, such as MCAnimator or Techne help you create or modify a TileEntity or Entity List of Modeling Tools List of Texture Tools GIMP is a example of a texture tool There are also also wikipedia lists here and here. Resource pack tools will help you do certain things with textures, sounds and text RPW Resource Pack Workbench helps you create textures, sounds and text files based off vanilla textures, sounds and code, and also is useful if you want to make a mod like Metallurgy 4 which changes vanilla textures, also you could create a resource pack for your mod if you wanted to HD Font Generator lets you get any font installed and make it into a HD resource pack which can change the font of all the text not text on images though in Minecraft to that font and the text becomes HD RPW is open-source here and here and HD Font Generator here and here Download the latest version of RPW here Download HD Font Generator here. Some Minecraft Launchers like MultiMC and the Magic Launcher can be useful for installing mods easily and managing separate instances of modded Minecraft with ease. Modpack Launchers can be used to group mods together so people can install all of your mods at once if they want to You can also use Modpacks to test whether your mods work with certain other mods The Modpack Launchers are Curse Voice Modpack Launcher Technic FTB Feed The Beast , ATLauncher Voidswrath VoidLauncher and the Asterion Robbit Modpack Launcher you can also there is a Asterion forum here and you can download it here. Raster graphics editors and vector graphics editors help let you edit the image files in your mod Raster graphics editors simply edit the textures, but vector graphics editors allow you to create textures that always remain as high definition as possible Some of the most well known raster graphics editors are Paint and A list of raster graphics editors is here and a list of vector graphics editors is here. Protocol analysis tools, many of which are documented on the mcdevs wiki can be useful for debugging multiplayer mods. Java Class Libraries are useful too They are JCL GNU Classpath and Apache Harmony Java Class Libraries have lots of classes you can use to implement things like clocks that tell the real-life time All the JCL c lasses can be found here. Java APIs are useful too A list is here. Other APIs designed for Minecraft can be useful as well Examples GuiAPI GUI stands for Graphical User Interface , LibShapeDraw Player API more Most of 1 7 10 the mods with Core, Lib, Util or API can be found in this modlist However, some APIs such as IC2 API Waila API MattparksCore Baubles API API and Galacticraft API are not listed Another unlisted, but very good API is MCEF Minecraft Chromium Embedded Framework , which helps you add a web browser to go on the internet, in your mods, and you can browse the World Wide Web in Minecraft MCEF use JCEF Java Chromium Embedded Framework to implement the Chromium Web Browser the open-source stage of the Google Chrome Web Browser before the canary, dev, beta and stable channels the Chromium Website is here Chromium is open-source here download Chromium here here and here , using CEF Chromium Embedded Framework which can be downloaded here , into the Java code of Minecraft CEF can be downloaded here and JCEF here MCEF is open-source here MCEF is available for Minecraft versions 1 6 4, 1 7 2, 1 7 10 and 1 8, and requires Minecraft Forge in order to work MCEF was originally made for the Web Displays Forge Mod this mod allows you run javascript on web pages in Minecraft, and interacts with ComputerCraft and ComputerCraftEdu computers, as well as displaying the World Wide Web in Minecraft you can download this mod here JCEF is open-source on BitBucket here and Google Code here CEF is open-source on BitBucket here and Google Code here too Frames is a GUI API and is open-source here. There are many browser extensions that add additional features to GitHub and BitBucket There is also some AdBlockers which let you make money for blocking adds, and some AdBlockers let you block the ads, but still let the advertisers earn money You can use these to help raise money for you and others that develop mods. Pocket Edition Tools Edit. You can create mods for Minecraft Pocket Edit ion on Windows Phone, Android and jailbroken IOS you can get plugins for non-jailbroken IOS Minecraft Pocket Edition is coded in C rather than Java which is the chosen programming language for the PC Edition, so the most supported language for modding in is C , though it is possible to code Pocket Edition mods in Java BlockLauncher is coded in this language and Java is the most supported language for Android apps , JavaScript the BlockLauncher has made programming in this language easier , possibly C and maybe even Lua You will probably ME Micro Edition SDK Software Development Kit to help you code on the PC, as well as the Android SDK if you want to make mods for Android devices An Android SDK app can be downloaded here Java tools on the PC can be used on the PC to create mods for Pocket Edition An app with lots of developer tools for Android is available here The Android SDK Controller Sensor is available as app here and this webpage tells you how to get the source code Java tools on mobile device can be used to create mods for PC Edition too. Mod loading APIs are available for Android, IOS and Windows Phone. BlockLauncher Designed for Android and Windows Phone Probably works for IOS with jailbreak installed, but this is not completely sure and under debate The different versions of the source-code is here and some source code for the Android and Windows Phone app here Some add-on source code is here and here The BlockLauncher app for Android is here and the BlockLauncher Pro Android app is here The Windows Phone BlockLauncher app is here and the Windows Phone BlockLauncher Pro app is here This ModLoader is coded in Java and the mods it loads are coded in JavaScript. SharedRoutine s IOS ModLoader Designed for IOS jailbreak mainly Cydia sharedRoutine recommends using this jailbreak This page tells you how to get the source code This page tells you how to get the sources. PocketMine Works for Android, Windows Phone and IOS jailbreak Serverside ModLoader You can download it here Plugins can be played on AmazonFire TV All the versions of the source code are here and here some plugin source-code is here and here. General-purpose Java IDE s these can be used to create mods for the PC too, but can only be used on the mobile operating system you can download them from There are only Java IDE apps for Android so far. AIDE Premium Key. Sand IDE Pro. Anacode IDE. Bright M IDE. Terminal IDE. IDEs designed for Pocket Edition Minecraft modding. ModPE IDE ModPE Script Editor Available for IOS, Android and Windows Phone. ModPEIDE Available for IOS, Android and Windows Phone. ModPE Installer Available for IOS, Android and Windows Phone Forum thread. ModPE IDE Available for Android. ModPE IDE Pro Available for Android. ModPE Script Editor Available for Android. ModCraft Lite Available for Android. ModCraft Available for Android. Text Editors can be downloaded from the App Store. Android Text Editors You can find them all here. IOS Text Editors You can find them all here. Windows Phone Text Editors You can find them all here and here. AmazonFire TV Text Editors You can find them all here. Java Text Editors are text editors designed to assist with Java Coding One of these is Java Editor. Mod Generators are available in the Android Appstore. Mod Maker - MCPE. Mod Maker for MCPE Free. GUI Mod Maker for MCPE Free. WorldToPE converts Desktop Edition worlds to Pocket Edition worlds. Mercator is a texture pack tool for Pocket Edition which can be used to convert Desktop Edition texture packs to Pocket Edition texture packs and vice versa. The Minecraft Forge API Edit. The Minecraft Forge API is a very useful tool in creating new mods Its most important use is preventing conflicts between mods It also contains convenience methods for creating mods more easily than without it for example, the addSmelting method adds smelting recipes in one line of code Many other methods exist Tutorials on using the Forge API can be found many places, including many YouTube videos It can be downloaded at official forge downloads. How to Reinstall Minecraft. If you need to reinstall Minecraft, you may be wondering why it s not showing up in your Programs and Features list or Applications folder Because Minecraft is installed using Java commands, you can t uninstall it using traditional methods When reinstalling Minecraft, you can quickly backup your saved games so that you don t lose any of your progress. Method One of Three Windows Edit. Leave the Launcher alone You don t need to delete the EXE file that you use to launch Minecraft, as it will be used to download the files again when you reinstall You can ignore the Launcher during the uninstallation process. None of your settings or game files are actually stored in the Launcher, so deleting the Launcher doesn t accomplish anything, and actually makes the reinstallation process more difficult. Press Win R and type appdata Press Enter to open the Roaming folder. Find the folder Double-click it to open it. Copy your saves folder to a safe l ocation This will allow you to restore your saved worlds after reinstalling. Go up one directory so you re back in Roaming You should see the folder again. Right-click on the folder and select Delete This will uninstall Minecraft from your computer. Start the Minecraft launcher If you ve accidentally deleted it, you can download it again from You ll need to log in with your Mojang account in order to access the Launcher file which is why Step 1 says to leave it alone during reinstallation. Wait for Minecraft to install Minecraft will automatically install once you run the Launcher. Close Minecraft after it finishes installing and loading This will allow you to restore your saved worlds. Open the folder again and drag the saves folder back into it Confirm that you want to overwrite anything already there This will restore your saved worlds next time you start Minecraft 1.Backup your saved worlds optional Before reinstalling Minecraft PE, you may want to backup your worlds so that you can relo ad them after reinstalling the game The process is a little easier on Android, as doing this on iOS requires your device to be jailbroken. Open a file manager app on your Android or jailbroken iOS device. Navigate to iOS or Android You will need to use a file manager app. Copy each folder to another location on your phone s storage each folder is one of your saved worlds. Uninstall Minecraft PE Uninstalling the app will remove all of its data from your device. iOS - Press and hold the Minecraft PE app until all the apps on your screen start wiggling Press the X in the corner of the Minecraft PE icon. Android - Open the Settings app and then select Apps or Applications Find Minecraft PE in the Downloaded and tap it Tap the Uninstall button to remove it. Uninstall any add-on apps If you have downloaded other apps that change Minecraft PE, such as through adding textures and mods, or adding cheats, delete these apps before reinstalling Minecraft PE These apps could be the source of the problems you re having with the game. Download Minecraft PE from the app store Open the app store on your device App Store on iOS and Google Play on Android Search for Minecraft PE and download the app again. As long as your signed in with the same account that you originally purchased it with, you won t have to pay again. How to Change Your Minecraft Skin. How to Transfer Your Minecraft PE Creative World to a Survival World on Android. How to Craft Items in Minecraft. How to Build a Door in Minecraft. How to Add Mods to Minecraft. How to Rename Your Minecraft World. How to Make Cool Stuff in Minecraft. How to Find a Saddle in Minecraft. How to Allocate More RAM to Minecraft. How to Teleport in Minecraft.

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